Mehman Huseynov. Turan
- For some time past, new accusations have been brought against political prisoners ahead of their release and thus terms of their imprisonment elongated. Many observers regard these accusations as framed-up. What"s your view on the subject?
-Only a simple soul or a political group specializing on lie may give it credence that a prisoner could butt into a jailer a couple of days or months before his release. Why did Ali Insanov smuggle an illegal drug into the prison several days before his release? Or why did Mamed Ibrahim put a knife under his pillow shortly before his release? Or Mehman - how could he beat a lieutenant of athletic frame before very eyes of physically strong jailers? The same is true of Nardaran prisoners. It should be remembered that custodial institutions of Azerbaijan are a place where humans are crippled physically and morally. Any protest here is punished to comply with inquisition laws. He who has never happened to be imprisoned cannot imagine what is going on beyond barbed wire. It is absolutely impossible for Mehman Huseynov, Ali Insanov or somebody else to beat up a jailer. Even if somebody goes the length of doing it, he, hungry and naked, would immediately be trotted out in the freezing cold, hung up or thrown into ice water, then be surrounded by jailers and kicked by toes. In other words, they can batter a man to death and that exactly happens.
- As a sign of protest against a new accusation Mehman Huseynov has gone on a hunger strike. However, information is contradictory. Note that the penitentiary service and Ombudsman apparatus called it faked news. In turn, lawyers say that Mehman"s in serious condition. If something irremediable happens to Mehman Huseynov or other prisoners, will responsible power-holding structures escape responsibility?
- All of us are anxious about Mehman"s health (except for those with souls are envenomed with hatred); however, he is in need of support of society even despite pressures against him. By the way, actions of this sort are run by other prisoners as well. The current power sends them to Qobustan in an effort to force them to silence; incarcerates, beats and insults prisoners; deprives of telephone calls and meetings with relatives, etc. It is vitally important to support all these Ilkins, Gezels, Bayrams, Giyases, Fuads, Orkhans, Talehs, Abbases and, finally, Ali Insanovs who enjoys mixed feelings on the part of the society?!
A man can die in jail if penal authorities want it. I don"t mean those having died a natural death. In our case, I don"t think they want Mehman"s death, for it is fraught with serious headache. Following Khashoggi"s murder, an idea suggests that "a dog enjoying support is in power to defeat an inveterate wolf". However, God's ways are past finding out. Our placemen have much money but they give way to Sheikh (is not meant our sheikh: potato and onion trade allows to purchase immovables in Karlovy Vary only) who succeeded to force America and Europe in silence. A president of the country that imposed sanctions on Russia for the death of Magnitskiy is believed to be a man of Putin. A minister of the country which is deemed to be a criterion of the European democracy invites to his wedding ceremony a dictator of the largest country of the continent and dances with him in an embrace. An author of the "Massacre of St. Bartholomew" directed against yellow vests, Macron kisses Merkel deeply. All things considered, I think that the authorities are unlikely to see Mehman dead. They need him alive. His insolence at his mother"s wake was unpardonable both before the society and him personally. A flawed example. Besides, Mehman is a hostage...
- But in case of Mehman we witnessed just a single case. The public was rather active, most took the side of Mehman. Official pages demanded to release him. Not on mass scale though, actions took place. Even facing a possible arrest, citizens had their say on the matter. Aren"t the authorities anxious about sharp reaction, aggression and activity of the society?
- It is necessary to clear up a matter with the action. The opposition is frequently accused of inactivity. Why doesn"t the opposition draw people into the streets, why are human rights activists and the civil society silent? Country"s opposition, civil society and human rights protection movement are deficient as institutions. All of them are destroyed. There are dissidents without any financial support and offices; they cannot leave the country, their accounts are arrested and they are spied on. They have no opportunity to draw hundreds of thousands people into streets. However, actions are notable for their types and forms. They never cease and won"t cease. People with no freedom of assembly will avail of the opportunity to make inquiry to the government.
By the way, when making an inquiry into the current situation, the government and pro-government mass media, deputies unanimously reply that "Mehman is lying - he does eat". Such an answer is disgraceful.
Even if Mehman eats really, you are liars: he does not eat someone else"s food but his elderly father"s one for money you have found in his pocket. His elderly father feeds you because you are as exact as those having stolen his bread. As for "illegal" money, these are not stolen money intended for entertainment. It is you who force prisoners to buy originally free clothes, bedding, telephone conversation, bathing (the list goes on) and even the air to breathe. That"s why the society believes Mehman, not you. For many years we see at first hand that you - liars, thieves are burning daylight like Arab sheikhs and governing the country at the expense of the same thieves.
- It has been said that some artificial hand is attempting to set the wheels in motion. Some believe that it is an idea of the authorities while pro-governmental bodies insist that the case of Mehman has been stirred up by the opposition. Are there any processes in reality? What do you make of this?
- I"ve repeatedly heard this thesis even from smart persons. As if there are two forces inside the authorities: one favors reforms, another clings to power. All these are old wives" tale, poisonous tales. Conservative and reformist forces cannot live under the same roof as a wife and a husband. Yes, there are some variations, slightly different approaches and forms to look attractive. However, there cannot be differences in respect of free elections, monopoly- and corruption-free economy, management, division of power, independent courts and mass media. They are not that stupid and careless. On the other hand, I admit that there are figures in power wise enough to take another look at the country, there are a great many people of this sort...
- Is there any connection between these developments and the last stage of talks between Azerbaijan and the West?
- It"d be wrong to look at the issue unilaterally, for this may lead to wrong conclusions. Our government is well aware of factors having an adverse effect on country"s relations with the West, and eager not to cross the red line. Regretfully, years-long questions of political prisoners, elections and human rights failed to become the above red line. With this background, even the bad relations between Azerbaijan and the West are having no impact on the situation, nor play a decisive role. The essential point to remember is that there a wide scope for maneuvering with Russia, Iran, Turkey, Israel; energy stores of the country... and, finally, Karabakh issue. Availing themselves of the factors cited above, the authorities are still in position to deal a blow at their opponents, coerce them into silence and create their own pocket "opposition" alleging that "we are sided with the authorities in the Karabakh issue"...
- What can you say about the current developments? What are possible results of exacerbation, aggression-related activity or valor of the authorities?
- I can"t speak to the results. When going deep into the issue, you risk deluding yourself as saying that "this power will be done soon" or, instead, "they are invincible".
I don"t think that the authorities are not afraid at all. True, an action of 15-or even 15, 000 persons is unlikely to frighten the authorities with their army and police forces capable of suppressing any mutiny. However, if these groups of 5-10 persons in number are not arrested /beaten, their number will increase a hundredfold tomorrow, and the authorities are well aware of it, suffice it to recall our nearby neighbors.
Actions of Mehman and the likes of him seem to be senseless for those believing that "they continue acting as they like". In fact, the authorities want the public to think in this manner only. They are seeking to embrain into society that no one may claim do"s and don"ts - neither America, nor Europe; neither Council of Europe, nor European Court; they say, we are not afraid of CE and EC; nor resolutions and sanctions imposed by the West. Actions of this sort are indicative that they are really afraid. In this case, why do they slough groups of 5-10 persons in number? Why have they detained Fatima, Dilara, Sevinj, Afgan and Nurlana with 30-40 qapiks in their pockets?!
It should be noted that the said actions reveal an ugly face of the authorities. Either at home or in social networks the citizens, in whisper or loudly, are discussing not only the situation around Mehman but about years-long pillaging of the country, prisons, villas in Dubai, London, brazen corruptionists; about billions of abroad, etc. All the above is reminiscent of underground and invisible accumulations of gas and energy ready to erupt one day in the form of tsunami, lava of earthquake.
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