Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

With the exception of the Hellenic and Roman, all ecumenical civilizations until the Middle Ages were located in the Orient. However, despite the most favorable conditions, starting with the Renaissance era in Europe, we began lagging in development from the West and fail, up to the present, to overtake arrears. Why, in terms of huge development potential, the East could not keep the lead? This can be explained by a number of reasons. Let’s face the religious factor as frequently referred to by many researchers.

With its pivotal role in the development of eastern peoples and states, Islam has gradually been losing traction across the world. It has to be kept in mind that at specific time intervals, every philosophy has to be rethought and adapted to new realities. If failed, it is sure to be on the decline. Testifying to the above were the situation in science and culture. As potentialities of mechanical physics ran its course, it became necessary to discover the optic or nuclear physics. Added to this can be that every generation of theater director acts out classical stories in a new fashion, for example, Hamlet. The same is true of the religion. 

Such an approach helped Christian societies to adapt their religion to new realities. One of these events happened in the 16 century. Priest, Dr. Martin Luther interpreted Gospel of New Testament in a new fashion by suggesting a different Christian paradigm. He believed that there cannot be any «apostolic mediation» in the relations between God and man. Luther thought that the Bible was the only source of belief; in doing so, he gave preference to Holy Writ before Holy Tradition. Under Holy Tradition are meant teachings of apostles, disciples and followers of Jesus that suited Church (like Sunnah and Hadith in Islam). 

According to the new teaching, creedal authority of Holy Writ as a main source of belief is denied and, instead, an independent interpretation of Holy Writ is admitted by Christians. Is so doing, Luther freed believers from spiritual despotism and arbitrariness and rejected the authority of Church. The German reformer supplied his nation with Bible in mother tongue as saying that Holy Writ is clear in itself and that a man will understand it easily without Church guidance. Freed from Church despotism, believers could not tolerate restrictions in public life as well. As a result, Church was alienated from the state and bourgeois revolutions started since the 17 century, countries with democratic institutions arose to expand self-expression of personality freedoms. 

It went easier in the time following. Christians could freely interpret on religious themes. Suffice it to remember M. Scorsese’ «The last temptation of Christ» or «The da Vinci Code» by J. Brown. They could freely dispute over Resurrection and Crucifixion of Jesus. Hence, liberal attitude to the religion had gradually embraced all sides of public life to promote the accelerated development.

It should be noted that reform consequences were most pronounced in economy. As viewed by German sociologist Max Weber, Martin Luther not only laid down foundations of the Reformation but gave rise to the origin of capitalism as well. It was protestant ethics that predetermined the spirit of the New Times, and Weber focuses on the union between Protestantism and bourgeoisie. To his thinking, it was caused by a certain world outlook that contributed to greater «economic rationalism» of Protestants while Catholics were rather «alienated from the world» and indifferent to worldly goods (like Moslems).For Protestants, labor activity ranked first among Christian values they considered to be the service of God. Their labor conscription was replaced by need in honest, hard and professional labor and made equivalent to prayer, divine service and Scripture reading. The wealth is the result of hard work and austere life.

Under the Islamic calendar, we are in the Middle Ages, in the epoch of Martin Luther. To follow historical regularities, we are around the turn of reforms. Ataturk was the first to have realized this. True, his reforms embraced just restrictions imposed on religion’s influence on public life but ignored kernels of Islam. For this reason, his reforms were not adopted by all strata of population and spread no overseas. As a result, we are witnessing intensification of political Islam and its effect on state affairs in many countries of the East but to no purpose.  

At present, some political figures of Islamic world are willing to make their own contribution to the issue. Thus, several years ago Egyptian President Abdel Fattah as-Sisik addressed theologians with a request to adjust and apply new approaches to Sunnah-Hadith. Note that Sunnah provides deeds of Prophet Mohammad, his statements and untold approval. Sunnah went the round by companions of Mohammad and was fixed in the form of Hadith in the 8-9 centuries. Addressing theologians of the religious University Al-Azhar, he declared: «These thoughts, I do not say religion, I say mode of thinking and a set of texts and ideas that became so sacral for us that any deviations from them are practically inadmissible. In so doing, we are turning the whole world against us».

Sisi proclaimed: «We need religious revolution». In this respect, many clear minds of the East consider it necessary to change attitudes toward Sunnah-Hadith. One of them is our compatriot and writer Ch. Huseynov, author of a novel of Prophet’s life titled «Keep the water in an overrturned jug" and a research work "Surahs of Koran as being sent to Prophet", who believes that equally authentic Koran and Sunnah prevents liberalization of views in Islamic societies, so the time is ripe to change attitude to both of them. The question is that Islamic theologians study and explain Koran by means of Hadith.


Thus, a Moslem is kept within certain framework unable of independent comprehension of his religion that has a negative effect on the development of critical reasoning and public life of a Moslem. Deterring this is a ban of Moslem theologians on recognition of Koran’s translation as divine writing. The translation of Koran is considered to be just a retelling of divine writing. Ch. Huseynov showed mettle in addressing the issue. He maintains that the Koranic text proves that Koran is presented in Arabic; however, this does not mean that the point is about Arabic only. God chose an Arab as Prophet who is different from ordinary people by the fact that he can hear and identify «God’s signs». 


Thus, Mohammad comes out as a peculiar translator of «Allah’ language». Materialization of the two theses makes it possible to study Koran in mother tongue without any exterior help and explanations to thus intensify unconstrained comprehension of Holy Writ by every individual, and release him from overprotection of religious authority. It is fair to assume that this will immediately have its effect on everyday life and liberalize it due to concurrence with Martin Luther’s reforms. 

Of interest is former Prime Mister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad’s view on the subject (who led the country for the last 20 years). In the reviewed period the country’s economy ranked 23th by competitive performance. He writes: «The great Islamic civilization went into decline when Moslem scholars began interpreting the search for truth in purely religious treatment to comply with Koran solely while the rest of it was no

longer of relevance. As a consequence, Moslem scholars declined from sciences – mathematics, medicine and other so-called "secular disciplines". Instead, they devoted their time to disputes on Islamic teaching and its interpretations, Islamic jurisprudence and practice which finally led to the collapse of Ummah and formation of numerous sects, cults and scholars».

Thereupon, tendencies took root in Moslem world being inferior to Christian ones:
 -As distinct from Christians, Moslems ceased searching for truth – they believed to have found it;
- Moslem philosophy of life was based on previous historical achievements, so they are eager to get hung on the past. They want to recapture the past. In turn, Christians stick to future moves and seek to draw them nearer.
- Moslems believe it important to learn and hammer home divine writings while Christians consider it necessary to get to the bottom of the issue and gain a better understanding of their holy books. It is worth reminding that the development of Moslem societies is dependent upon their ability to reduce the difference between these approaches. 

The history of Islam is notable for elements to become the blueprint of its liberalization. Excelling in copying the life of Prophet Mohammad, Moslem conservatives are oblivious that God sent His message to liberal-minded persons. In his younger days the Prophet was skeptical about ongoing realities; never entered Kaaba even despite keys to the shrine he received from his grandfather. Having excellent logical mindset, he realized that current beliefs were primitive, so it was needed to have something more perfect for mankind perfection. He was a doubter and, hence, took a dim view of the first afflation. On the assumption that God confided believer dogmatists, the latter would reject any explanations to accelerate Ummah development. Thus, for his afflation God chose a free and open-hearted man for reception of new ideas, and He was not mistaken. A question arises: Why are we so afraid of being akin to Prophet in that respect?

As distinguished from Prophet Mohammad who was pragmatist, his followers became dogmatists. A Hadith tells a story that Prophet banned to fell date palms. The point is that during capture of a town, these palms intercepted a view and hampered attackers. Then Prophet changed his mind and told a petitioner: «If it bothers you, fell it down». After that the town was seized. To develop the thesis, one can infer that if something stops the growth, it is necessary to get rid of it. Unfortunately, Ummah failed to seize opportunities of this Hadith. Note that thesis agrees well with a parable of Jesus who advised fishermen without catch to find another place. Christians tried to explain the story as follows: if you failed to attain your goal, luck out at some other place. At present, we see Christians across the world, self-reliant, dynamic and prosperous.

Concerning achievements of Islam, dogmatists (conservatives) refer to the Umayyad caliphate as the pinnacle of Islamic Empire. In the reviewed period its territory embraced 13 million sq km. But they are oblivious to the fact that this Empire was set up by pragmatists (liberals). Note that Umayyad consolidated their power and began rapidly developing (99 years in succession) after their triumph over dogmatists. However, after removal from power and annihilation of all members of Umayyad dynasty, the Empire decreased several times and had never returned to former boundaries. Perhaps, it was thoughtlessly to oppose liberals? 

It should be borne in mind that Koran’s requirements to polygamy are clearly established while equitable relationship is difficult to turn into reality. On the other hand, insufficient knowledge of Koran and blind following Shariah standards misinterpreted by religious dogmatists and existing traditions do not contribute to the rational planning and leads to the growth of uneducated generation in poor countries of the East. This factor generates discord and social cataclysms to have a negative effect on society development. It is, perhaps, breakaway from obsolete paradigms and, instead, rethinking of writings that could contribute, with an emphasis on Koran, to upgrading obsolete stereotypes.

Today, assuming the West to be superior civilization, the East is afraid of being swallowed up. That’s why the East is ignoring the West and is thus enmeshed in isolationism. However, Turks keep on moving from the East to the West to get enriched by more developed civilizations. In so doing, they are benefiting and increasingly integrated. It was no mere coincidence that the most civilized Islamic state – Cordoba caliphate was founded by a survived grandson of the last Umayyad caliph in the westernmost point of Europe. In other words, he personified the synthesis of the East and the west. Stop being scared of the West!

To sum up, it is obvious that reforms are required. But it remains clouded what and how to reform. The clock is ticking…Let’s wait and see…

Shahmar Agabalayev Ph.D. in Economics

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