Baku / 01.06.20 / Turan: Moscow publishing house Flint, on the eve of the 102nd anniversary of the Azerbaijan People’s Republic, issued a monograph by Aydin Balaev, a doctor of historical sciences, an employee of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan: “Azerbaijanis. The main stages of the formation of the nation in the XIX-XX centuries."
The monograph traces the formation of Azerbaijanis, whose ancestors inhabited the eastern part of the South Caucasus and have historically made up the majority of its population.
In addition to a historical tour of the main stages of the formation of the Azerbaijani ethnos, the author focuses on highlighting cardinal socio-economic and cultural changes in the life of Azerbaijanis at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
The study of the evolution of the national identity of Azerbaijanis of this period is addressed to historians and ethnologists and to a wide circle of readers. -02D-
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