Democracy without opposition!

Baku/08.04.22/Turan: The Action Plan of the Council of Europe for Azerbaijan for 2022-2025 has been presented. The total budget of the Plan is 9.6 million euros. This plan provides for the convergence of Azerbaijani legislation and its practice with the standards of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the rule of law and democracy.

The document is aimed at supporting the efforts of Azerbaijan as a member of the Council of Europe to fulfill its obligations and bring national legislation in line with European and international standards.

Previously, the Council of Europe had action plans for Azerbaijan for 2014-2018 and 2018-2021. The action plans provide for strengthening the judiciary and improving the human rights situation in Azerbaijan.

Have these Plans been useful? Does Azerbaijan fulfill the commitments it made when joining the Council of Europe regarding human rights, holding democratic elections and other issues?

These and other questions are answered by the chairman of the REAL party, Ilgar Mammadov, in the Difficult Question program.

According to him, when the two previous Plans were developed, he was in prison and therefore he cannot say anything about them.

“As for the third Plan, which seems to have been drawn up during this year, covers a 3-year period, touches on the issues of holding elections, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, then neither the EU nor the Azerbaijani government considered it necessary to consult with us - with representatives of the political opposition, with the parliamentary opposition, with political parties,” Mammadov said.

The politician is outraged that the visit of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (Maria Pejcinovic-Buric) to Azerbaijan is being organized. The EU and the government, without any consultations with political parties, overnight agree on a Plan that says about the need to improve the conditions for the activities of political parties, the rule of law, about taking measures to ensure fair and fair elections, about freedom of assembly.

“Everything is decided by themselves, they announce it, and the general secretary, and without meeting with anyone, flies away. Apparently, they are going to establish democracy for the first time in the world in the Muslim East without opposition.

All this is outrageous and we expressed our attitude towards such actions,” he said, adding: “When the Plan was drawn up, we were not consulted. Maybe they will listen at least when it is put into practice? After all, without us (the opposition - ed.), it is unlikely that these plans will be realized.” –0—

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