O.Gyulalyev: We are not interested  in  leaving the Transparency Initiative by Azerbaijan

An 18th General Meeting of the Coalition of NGOs to increase transparency in the extractive industries took place  last Saturday in the Park Inn Hotel. Oktay Gyulalyev,  a member of the Coalition, talks about unexpected results of the meeting and the problems of non-governmental organizations in an interview with the «Çətin sual"   (Difficult question.)

A meeting of the  NGOs Transparency Coalition in the extractive industries, in which members of the Board were elected took place. Who was elected?

On April 30, a regular general meeting of the Coalition took place, as a general report over the  last period.  The activity was assessed, discussed, and a new board was formed. The Board consist of 11, and the monitoring  group consist of five people. The meeting was productive and held at a high level. It was attended by representatives of the NGO Support Council, the Government, the World Bank, the diplomatic corps, as well as 143 members of the coalition.  The elections were quite democratic and transparent, there was a serious competition. Each of the elected  is  active enough, is known in civil society,  and has an independent judgment.

Some media believe the newly elected board is too political. How do you think?

I believe that this claim is unfounded because of the elected 16 people only three are politically oriented, for many years they have been presented in civil society, and occupied senior positions in the Coalition. In particular, the positions of the Council members, the Monitoring Group and as chairman. In the previous Board eight people had  political orientation. And the work of the Council at that time was more productive and efficient. So, I believe that this approach is biased, and seeks to cast doubt on the results of the meeting. However, it is all in vain, because the chosen structure is quite strong and was elected on the basis of trust.

Can  the activities of companies in the extractive industries  in Azerbaijan be  regarded as transparency? As you know, at one time the Coalition has performed with such statements, because most oil companies do not provide their reports did not put the information on their sites.

Yes, such statements  have been made at times. The coalition has always tried  that the companies working  in the mining industry provided their reports to the public, preferably in private. That is, we must know what is the level of personal accountability of each company. It is about reporting on production, government payments, tax payments. That is why we believe it is important providing  along with the general,  personal reports of companies. In most countries,  that joined the  process of transparency such reports exist. New standards are applied in the  field of extractive industries transparency. In this regard, governments and companies   face new  requirements, including the Government of Azerbaijan.  Taken into account  inadequate implementation of these initiatives, the Azerbaijani state has been reduced  from the membership to the supervisory status.

By the way, due to the reduction of Azerbaijan’s status in 2014, the head of the Oil Fund of Azerbaijan made a statement about a possible  leaving the Platform  of Transparency Initiative. How did the return to the platform happen? A man who voiced such statement, attended a meeting of the Coalition.

Coalition is not interested in Azerbaijan’s leaving this initiative,  and  the  stay in it will help to establish  international relations, and expansion of activities. We do not want to be presented by leading officials of  the simulation process in the country, where standards are not met,  and pressure on civil society continues. We  support the  stay in the Initiative, as well as finding ways to solve the problem. As for the other question, the participation at the meeting of the above-mentioned persons may be regarded as a positive factor, we appreciate their attention and interest. I think that the Azerbaijani government is also interested  in remaining  in the Initiative. As for the image of the country it can be regarded as a  chance. At the same time we know that after the fall of oil prices Azerbaijan is forced to borrow from leading international institutions. Instead they prefer the structure of Azerbaijan participate in the Transparency Initiative. There is such a thing as an index of transparency. It is  taken into account while the preparation of international credits. I think that the Azerbaijani Government correctly assesses the chance provided to strengthen the financial capacity and stay in the Initiative. In fact, it is quite interesting and important format, since it presents both the government and companies, and civil society. We advocate for the preservation of this format, its development and international support.

Some activation is observed after the meeting of the head of Transparency Initiative in Extractive Industries with the President of Azerbaijan. How  do you think is the return to  membership is possible, when  can it happen, and what  conditions  should Azerbaijan fulfill  for this?

Late last year, the chairman of the International Board, Short Klaus, met with President Ilham Aliyev, after which there was a revival in the field of transparency in the extractive industries. Problems of some organizations within the NGO Coalition have been  solved, so, naturally, we feel  activation and evaluate steps in this direction. At the same time, we support these issues in accordance with reality. According to my information, in the coming summer months will be a meeting of the International Board, which is expected to discuss the issue. We know  that the Board and the Secretariat conducted a specific investigation. Currently, the Secretariat is located in Baku. One of the goals of his visit  is  participation in the general meeting, and the other - the study of problems of civil society and the degree of  Azerbaijan’s devotion to the initiative. Azerbaijan is involved in reforms. After the decline of Azerbaijan's membership to the status of an observer, were disclosed certain development plans, the government should carry out the tasks coming out of these plans. One of the main issues is the fulfillment of the requirements of the initiative.  This issue is very serious  for the government. Another serious issue in Azerbaijan is a civil society problem.

Have the problems of  NGOs entering the Coalition been solved? We are talking about the arrests to the bank accounts, the ban on travel abroad, the closing of personal accounts, as well as criminal charges against your sons.

Yes, of course, after the recovery in the field of Transparency Initiative some measures to solve the problems of the Coalition of NGOs have been made. Arrests from bank accounts  were removed, permission to conduct operations   were received. On this basis were implemented  court decisions, some unjustified inspections was stopped. However, problems still remain in some institutions - members of the Coalition. According to my information, criminal proceedings against the same organization stopped. However, the property confiscated from some organizations has not been returned fully. Two members of the coalition, Asif Yusifli and Fuad Qahramanov, are under illegal arrest.

 Both are under criminal prosecution.  There is an open criminal investigation against me, I do not have a passport, a travel ban  has not been removed from the country. With regard  of my both sons there is a lawsuit. Nevertheless, we support the continuation of negotiations and problem solving. I want to mention one more fundamental approach. With this approach  it is impossible to solve the problems of the Coalition of NGOs and civil society. This problem is based on the political will, after the introduction of changes, limiting the activities of NGOs. The decision of problems of civil society must be accompanied by a demonstration of political will.  Changes restricting the NGO activities should be eliminated. We need to simplify access to donors, some of which are expelled from the country, their free activity must be restored. The legislation needs to be improved, the problem of NGO registration is solved. Currently, the Coalition has about 40 NGOs, they have a registration problem. A comprehensive approach  is required to solve the problems of civil society. –0--

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