Why has not been the conclusion of the State Commission for the investigation of the situation in Seyudlu published yet?
Baku/07.11.23/Turan: The commission established on June 21 by order of Prime Minister Ali Asadov to monitor and assess the current situation at the landfill in the village of Seyudlu of Gedabey region is headed by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev. The commission consists of the Deputy Ministers of Health, the Minister of Emergency Situations, the Minister of Agriculture, the Head of the Department of Industry and Energy of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State Service for Real Estate Affairs under the Ministry of Economy, and the head of the executive Branch of the Gedabey region.
20 days have already passed since the beginning of the commission's work, but the conclusion of the State Commission conducting the investigation in the village of Seyudlu has not yet been submitted.
Eco-activist Javid Gara tells about this in the program "Difficult Question".
The reason that the conclusion of the State Commission for the investigation of the situation in Seyudlu has not yet been made public is primarily that the customer for the creation of this commission is not the people and the public, but the government, Gara said. "The Commission was created to report to the government, not to the people. To say the truth, the Government is interested in receiving the results of the study, because it wants to know the real situation on the ground. But they do not want to inform the public about the state of affairs," the expert said, adding that if everything were fine with the results of the tests, the government would certainly trumpet about it.
Gara recalled that the environmental situation in the village of Seyudlu is being investigated by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, which does not have the technical capabilities to obtain reliable results.
"They have neither the equipment nor the personnel with the appropriate training to carry out the analyses. In addition, the remaining laboratories of Research Institutes from Soviet times, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev ordered to close in order to "optimize", they say "they don't work anyway and waste money."
According to the eco-activist, the government can certainly declare that everything is fine in Seyudlu, but no one will believe them.
"But who will believe them? Everyone knows that it costs nothing to lie to them. More than once their lie has been proven by facts. Therefore, they delay, expecting that everything will resolve itself," Gara explained.
According to the ecologist, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources made a proposal to invite an environmental audit from abroad to conduct a thorough study, but it will take a lot of time.
He also said, without specifying the source of information, that the second reservoir-landfill will not be built. At the same time, he made it clear that if there is no second landfill, then in the near future the mine will be forced to stop its work, since the first reservoir is already filled with waste.
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