Azerbaijan Deteriorated Its Position on Open Budget Index

Baku / 30.01.18 / Turan: The International Budget Partnership (IBP) has disclosed the Open Budget Index for 2017, according to which the position of Azerbaijan has deteriorated to the rate for 2016.

Last year Azerbaijan scored 34 out of 100 possible points and is included in the 4th category on budget transparency - availability of minimal information. For comparison, one can cite the example of neighboring Georgia, which scored 82 points and took the fifth place among the 115 countries under IBP monitoring. Azerbaijan took 77th place. Madagascar (34 points) and Trinidad and Tobago (33 points) are neighboring with Azerbaijan.

According to the expert of the Center for Economic Initiatives Samir Aliyev, 34 points are the worst since 2006 - 51 points. "The decline in oil prices has led to the fact that the government began to hide more budget information than before," the expert said. 08D

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