Foreign currencies rates fixed by Central Bank
1 ABŞ dollar |
usd |
1,7 |
1 Avro |
eur |
1,7385 |
1 Avstraliya dollar |
aud |
1,0396 |
1 Belarus rublu |
byn |
0,4991 |
1 Bolqarıstan levi |
bgn |
0,9023 |
1 BƏƏ dirhəmi |
aed |
0,4628 |
100 Cənubi Koreya vonu |
krw |
0,1158 |
1 Çexiya kronu |
czk |
0,069 |
1 Çin yuanı |
cny |
0,2347 |
1 Danimarka kronu |
dkk |
0,233 |
1 Gürcü larisi |
gel |
0,5967 |
1 Honq Konq dollar |
hkd |
0,2181 |
1 Hindistan rupisi |
inr |
0,0195 |
1 İngilis funt sterlinqi |
gbp |
2,0836 |
10000 İran rialı |
irr |
0,0294 |
1 İsveç kronu |
sek |
0,1511 |
1 İsveçrə frankı |
chf |
1,8548 |
1 İsrail şekeli |
ils |
0,4751 |
1 Kanada dollar |
cad |
1,1525 |
1 Küveyt dinarı |
kwd |
5,5007 |
100 Qazaxıstan tengəsi |
kzt |
0,3279 |
1 Qətər rialı |
qar |
0,4663 |
1 Qırğız somu |
kgs |
0,0194 |
100 Macarıstan forinti |
huf |
0,4254 |
1 Moldova leyi |
mdl |
0,0918 |
1 Norveç kronu |
nok |
0,1482 |
100 Özbək somu |
uzs |
0,0131 |
100 Pakistan rupisi |
pkr |
0,6096 |
1 Polşa zlotısı |
pln |
0,4111 |
1 Rumıniya leyi |
ron |
0,3494 |
100 Rusiya rublu |
rub |
1,7226 |
1 Serbiya dinarı |
rsd |
0,015 |
1 Sinqapur dollar |
sgd |
1,2428 |
1 Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı rialı |
sar |
0,4533 |
1 SDR (BVF-nin xüsusi borcalma hüquqları) |
xdr |
2,2165 |
1 Türk lirəsi |
try |
0,0474 |
1 Türkmənistan manatı |
tmt |
0,4857 |
1 Ukrayna qrivnası |
uah |
0,0408 |
100 Yapon yeni |
jpy |
1,0918 |
1 Yeni Zelandiya dollar |
nzd |
0,9415 |
1 t.u. qızıl |
xau |
4727,08 |
1 t.u. gümüş |
xag |
52,5253 |
1 t.u. platin |
xpt |
1640,101 |
1 t.u. palladium |
xpd |
1701,751 |
In January 2025, receipts to the state budget of Azerbaijan totalled AZN 4,049.2 million, and deductions from the budget AZN 2,339.6 million. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance.
The National Deposit Centre (NDC) holds an open tender for voluntary (hull insurance) insurance of motor vehicles.This is reported on the unified Internet portal of public procurement.
By the end of 2024, an average annual interest rate of consumer loans issued by Azerbaijani banks with credit cards was 26% in AZN and 5% in USD. This was reported by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA).
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) has issued licences to 2 more banks for insurance agent activity.This is reported on the CBA website - in the relevant register.
Bələdiyyə seçkiləri necə keçdi? – Hafiz Həsənov Çətin sualda
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