Baku /13.10.19 / Turan: Arif Hajili was re-elected as head of the Musavat party at the 9th congress of this political organization held on October 13.
During the secret ballot, 261 delegates supported him.
For other candidates, members of the Musavat Board, Tofig Yagublu and Yadigar Sadygly, 51 and 20 delegates voted respectively.
During a speech at the Congress, before the election of the party"s chairman, Hajili compared the situation in Azerbaijan "with the situation in the USSR in the last years of Leonid Brezhnev"s reign".
"Despite the unequal conditions created by the authorities for the political struggle, we retained the party structures and the authority of Musavat. If there are elections in the country, even by the minimum democratic standards, we can win," Hajili said.
However, according to Yagublu, the party"s place in the political life of the country does not match its potential, and it needs to be updated.
In his opinion, while in the past the authorities saw the former Musavat leader Isa Gambar as the main opponent, now the addressee has changed.
Yagublu supported Musavat"s cooperation with "real political forces". "Today it is important that Musavat be with the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan, cause the ruling regime is most afraid of that union," Yagublu said.
Sadygly said the party today is weaker than it was in 2003 and cannot hold mass actions. He expressed the opinion that the party needs to be updated, and above all, a change of leadership.
Sadygly pointed to a decrease in the number of young people in the party and promised that if he was elected Musavat's chairman, he would do everything to attract protest youth to its ranks.
Arif Hajili was elected chairman for the second term. He was first elected head of Musavat in 2014.
Musavat is the oldest political party in Azerbaijan, which was founded back in 1911. Its ideas were laid in the foundation of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (1918-1920). After the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan as a result of the occupation by Bolshevik Russia, the party acted underground for some time, and subsequently - in exile. Only after the collapse of the USSR and Azerbaijan's regaining independence in 1992, the activity of Musavat was restored. In 1992-2015 the party was headed by one of the leaders of the national democratic movement in Azerbaijan in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Isa Gambar. -06D-
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