Independent MP candidates summoned to the police

Baku/06.02.20 / Turan: A number of candidates for parliamentary elections on February 9 were summoned to the police. The candidate for the 94th Barda district Dadash Ahmedli said that on February 5 he was summoned to the Barda police department.

“The chief ordered that I tell my supporters not to interfere in the election process.

I replied that we ourselves are ready to stop violations of the law, and if someone tries, we will take appropriate steps,” Ahmedli said.

Javid Gara, a candidate for deputies in the 53rd Guba-Hussar District, was also summoned to the district police department. However, after he complained about this to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (service 102), they called from the district police department and said that no one had called him.

“An hour later they called me again from the same number and asked if I would come? I said “no” because I was not told the reason. The caller insisted that this was not an official conversation, but I refused,” Gara said. He believes that the summoning to the police is connected with the election. “Other independent police candidates are being warned against calls to protest the day after the election,” Gara said.

Alikram Khurshidov, a candidate for deputy in the 46th Shirvan District, said that he was also summoned to the police, but he demanded that a summons be sent to him. “I was told that there is operational information that there may be provocations and the summoning  is related to security.” Khurshidov regarded it as pressure. “I hold meetings with voters, and the summoning deprives me of this and intimidates voters,” Khurshidov said.

Khalid Bagirov, a candidate for deputy in the 76th Lankaran-Astara constituency, was also called up to the Lankaran regional police department. “I refused to go without a subpoena,” Bagirov said, noting that the call to the police was connected with the elections. “I arrived here 10 days ago and all this time I have been busy with elections,” Bagirov noted.

However, the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ehsan Zahidov, told Turan that these messages were not true. -06D-


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