Baku / 02.28.19 / Turan: The Republican Alternative Party collected 40,000 signatures of voters in support of two bills, which in the coming days will be presented to the Milli Majlis. This was announced at today's press conference by the chairman of the REAL party Ilgar Mammadov.
In one bill, a solution was proposed to two problems - credit debts of the population and free higher education.
The second bill concerns the introduction of an elected office of the Mayor of Baku.
According to the Constitution, the parliament is obliged to consider legislative initiatives supported by 40 thousand voters.
REAL collected 41,658 signatures for three months. According to Mammadov, 40% of the signatures were collected in Baku, and 60% - in regions. The campaign involved 750 people - 500 party members and 250 volunteers.
REAL sees the solution of problem loans in the framework of the triangle citizen-bank-entrepreneur. Where it is not possible for them, the authorities should write off problem loans.
REAL also proposes to introduce a completely free higher education. For at the current standard of living, paid tuition means move the population away from education.
As for the institution of the elected Mayor of Baku, back in 2001, Azerbaijan made such a commitment to the Council of Europe.
Today, Azerbaijan has the only capital in Europe where the head of the city is not elected.
"Now the Milli Majlis should decide. We will submit signatures and bills in the coming days and within two months we should be answered," Mammadov said.
Answering the questions, Mammadov said that if the proposal to hold the election of the Mayor of Baku is accepted, REAL will take part in them. -06D-
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