Russia Supplies Su-30 SM Fighters to Armenia

Baku / 31.01.19 / Turan: "The Republic of Armenia signed a corresponding deal on the acquisition of Russian Su-30 SM aircraft," the Ministry of Defense of Armenia said.

The number of aircraft and the amount of the transaction is not reported, citing secrecy.

The report also notes that the process of acquiring weapons within the framework of a Russian loan of $ 100 million is at the implementation stage.

Su-30 SM is a multi-purpose fighter that belongs to the 4+ generation. In addition to airborne targets, it can effectively hit ground objects, as well as conduct reconnaissance.

Armament: 30 mm cannon GSH-301; 6 medium-range guided missiles and 6 melee missiles; 8 bombs of 500 kg (8 units) or 250 kg (28 units).

The cost of such an aircraft averages $ 50 million, and depending on the modifications and weapons may vary.

It is noteworthy that the models of Sukhoi fighters, starting with the Su-27, are intended for countries with a large territory. Using such aircraft in Armenia is extremely difficult and very expensive. Due to the difficult terrain and small territory, even in Soviet times, there was no air force base in Armenia. According to military experts, a heavy fighter raised into the air of Armenia will very quickly appear in the neighboring country"s sky.

According to Armenian media reports, back in 2012, the government of Serge Sargsyan refused to purchase this type of aircraft for the above reasons. In turn, the Russian media reported that Russia was interested in the immediate sale of such aircraft so that the manufacturing plant would not stand idle.

It is not excluded that in the near future such aircraft will appear in Azerbaijan. However, even here their use will be problematic due to the small territory. -02D-

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