-Recently the attention is focused on the closure of a large holding company that is controlled and financed by the government itself. It is still unknown whether it will open or not. How do you think, why is this media structure created by years for strangling alternative media?
-At the time of the devaluation, they talked about adjustments that the government will make regarding certain costs, as well as the funds allocated to the media. Perhaps, this is the result of greater prudence in spending, although other reasons are possible. It should be noted that since 2000, the authorities have been pursuing a policy of forming media for the purpose of managing public opinion. In order for this policy to be successful, the authorities went to all - spent a sufficient amount of money, shut down the media under the pretext of "such a criticizing media structure creates problems for us." Journalists were arrested, because "a particular journalist is interfering with us," there ca be other methods of elimination. The reality is that despite all the taken methods and actions taken, the authorities have not been able to get the desired press. I wanted to see a media-driven, completely responsive to the interests of the authorities, but the result was completely different. These controlled media could not justify the public's confidence - the newspapers are no longer read, their print runs, at best, reached several thousand, and even those did not. TV and radio do not attract anyone, people are interested in Turkish, Russian and Iranian media. In a word, the influence of these media on society is very low. The trust and interest of the society cause several journalists who left their country, small local groups living under constant pressure, as well as social media activists. Against this background, it is worthwhile to stop and think about, time to take stock and prepare reports. Perhaps the authorities look back in the past 10 or more years, reflect, ask those who created this sphere: everything has been done, why is there no result? Why do people, local and international society trust not those who have been provided with all kinds of assistance and support for more than ten years, but trust a small financial group of social activists and journalists? ...
-According to the current version, currently the process of concentration of media in the hands of one person from power is underway. How much is this version logical?
-I believe that in Azerbaijan, since the authorities have taken media under its control, an impression of diversity was created. It was only appearance, but fraudulent. The policy and management system remained the same. Simply it is worth emphasizing that the media's control, its concentration in one hand, transfer from hand to hand is a harmful thing. Media should be free. All alternative ways will lead to a dead end.
- Other version is disassembly among power, which led to the fall of pro-government media structures. What do you think about this version?
-The power of media in its impact on public opinion. The media controlled by the authorities do not have a serious influence on public opinion. Authorities understand this better than anyone else. Therefore, it would be wrong to assess the activities, closure or suspension of the work of these media in the context of the struggle of intra-state groups. In general, where does the opinion about the existence of such a struggle and contradictions come from? It may seem so, but do not be deceived. It is possible that in connection with the further management of the media there are two or several proposals, they have been presented and now the answer is expected. Sooner or later the decision will be made. Talk about the contradictions, groupings have been created for convenience.
-There has appeared a new trend recently. Previously, media structures were closed as a result of pressure from law enforcement agencies, security and defense agencies. Now the courts directly block websites on the basis of a lawsuit from one ministry. The talk is about the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. In these claims are called articles, in which the name of the curator of media passes in power. What is happening?
-In the late 2000s, when the Internet was being introduced in Azerbaijan, there were calls to reforming the legislation regulating this area. The government thought for a long time, and a few years ago began to step-by-step amend the laws governing the Internet media. It can be stated unequivocally that the new laws are not coordinated with the experience of the European Court, international agreements which Azerbaijan joined. National legislation easily provides an opportunity to close the media structure, disable it. These changes are specifically adopted not for some persons in power, but for the interests of the authorities as a whole. It is possible that today it will work at the will of any person, tomorrow of any official, and the day after tomorrow in the name of the interests of the third. And this method visually looks more modern. In the case there is a court, there is the appearance of litigation, and more time for the application of violations. I believe that this experience is very bad, since it removes us from the modern world.
- What, in your opinion, will happen in the field of media?
All that we see have been witnessing for many years, all we have experienced, unfortunately, does not give grounds for positive. The conclusion from the past is that pressure and restrictions will continue. I do not see any events that would give reason to think otherwise. There are no hints that the authorities will remove control over the media, no. Perhaps, some media structure will be closed or taken away and transferred to the management of another manager, it is possible that they will transfer to another model, similar in content. However, such events do not have an impact on the overall media environment.
-What should be done to help media get out of this situation?
Ten years ago there would be other ways out. Then there was civil society, active in influencing the political party, firmly on its feet criticizing the media. Now this is not. Wounds caused to media will not heal so soon. Media, the sphere of journalism should be in a situation protected by laws and the state, so that they can write and inform without fear. There is no such medium, in return there is another situation that can be cruelly punished for weak criticism, reckless article and so on. To overcome this situation, there is a successful experience of countries that have achieved modern progress. The media should be de-nationalized, the government should not be a financial source for the media, measures should be taken to create an enabling environment for the free press. These can be measures that begin with the formation of a free advertising market before the work of laws that protect journalists.
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