Фото из открытых источников

Фото из открытых источников


-Experts, students, parents constantly complain that tuition at universities in Azerbaijan is high. What do you think about this? Is tuition high or satisfactory in Azerbaijan?

-Unfortunately, over the past 7 years, more than 5 thousand students have left education incomplete due to difficulties in paying for education, since the fees are rather high. Considering that Azerbaijani youth can get education in neighboring countries at a lower price, then in this case we ourselves create the conditions for the outflow of citizens from the country.

When setting tuition fees, the Cabinet of Ministers or universities should not only think about costs, they should also take into account the employment of students who have received education, and their further salary. Unfortunately, returning the money invested in training, with current salaries, requires about 10 years. Currently, the highest tuition at state universities of Azerbaijan is 6,500 manat per year, and the lowest is 1,000 manat. In state universities in Turkey, the minimum tuition fee is 100 manat, and the maximum is 3,000 manat. In Russia, this figure varies from 400 to 3,500 manat. In Ukraine, it is from 500 to 2,500 manat. This is payment at state universities, while at private universities the payment is different.

-Every year we observe an increase in tuition at universities in Azerbaijan. Currently, in Azerbaijan, what percentage of university education is paid? That is, how many students get paid education?

- It is necessary, first of all, to note that at present about 160 thousand students study in 54 universities in Azerbaijan. Of these, 70% study on a paid basis, that is, at their own expense, and 30% study at the expense of the state. This means that in the universities of Azerbaijan, about 120 thousand people study on a paid basis. Unfortunately, for more than 160 thousand students studying in 54 universities, no benefits are applied. Whereas in world practice, benefits to students are applied, starting with the use of transport, clothing, restaurants and ending with bookstores. Even in fraternal Turkey, students are given a green card, which provides significant benefits.

Unfortunately, in our country, from the beginning of the independence period to the present day, training benefits were applied only by order of the head of state in relation to persons of a special category. No other measures were taken for students. A few years ago cards were issued called student cards, which provided for a discount on some clothes and restaurants. However, this student card did not bring any benefit. The stores were quite expensive, and besides they did not know about the need for discounts to students. This is a system called network business. For example, in Turkey, all students are issued a Green Card. While they are students, they, unlike ordinary citizens, are given 80-90% discounts. These benefits apply to public transport and other places.

Unfortunately, these measures do not apply to universities and vocational education institutions located in the regions. Student privileges should cover all graduates of high school and further education at all subsequent levels. However, in Baku, the drawback of such projects is that they cover only university students. Of course, the presence of such measures would be a positive step.

-How does the university divide the money raised for tuition? What do universities give their students with tuition fees? Do they provide high-quality education?

- First of all, I would like to note that the tuition fees for specialties in which training is carried out in higher educational institutions is determined on the basis of estimates of expenses spent on this. So, the salary to be paid to teachers for teaching subjects within one year is established on the basis of determining the tuition after calculating all the resources that will be spent.

The cost of training, which students will have to pay to educational institutions, even includes expenses intended for the maintenance of the university and necessary for the implementation of projects.

The fees set for acquiring an education in new specialties are also affected by different tuition fees for different specialties depending on the number of planned places. However, in universities operating in foreign countries, this is determined on the basis of cost estimates per capita of students.

That is why the cost of tuition at Azerbaijani universities is much higher than at 1,000 educational institutions in other countries of the world. Although its quality is many times lower than in the latter.

So, there are certain specialties in which there are many planned places, and the amount received on the basis of a certain cost estimate is distributed among a larger number of students, which leads to the establishment of low tuition fees.

However, there are also such specialties, for example, "Folk musical instruments", "Solo singing", "Conductor", etc., for which there are few planned places. And this requires the distribution of all expenses between a small number of places, and as a result, high fees for obtaining education are formed in such specialties. Of course, these are the offered prices.

It is known that planned places in universities are not completely filled, and a certain number of places remain unoccupied. In this case, a deficit appears in the preplanned financial statements. Therefore, in order to establish a security margin, higher education institutions further increase tuition fees.

- Are there many students in Azerbaijan who have difficulties with tuition fees? How many students left universities for this reason?

- As I said, over the past 5 years, over 7 thousand students have been deprived of the possibility of further education, because they could not pay for it. That is, they studied 1 and 2 courses, and then refused to continue their studies at the university because of problems with payment.

-In many countries, private companies and funds on the basis of certain conditions and contracts allocate money and loans to pay for student learning. There are specific funds specializing in this area. Sometimes even universities give such loans to their students. Do we have such funds and such trends? To how many students have the government, foundations, and companies issued such loans so far?

- European states, the USA, as well as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan apply such a method as education loans. For example, in the USA the Federal Agency, which has a very large turnover, is engaged in this. The loans are of three types: federal student loans, parental loans, and private loans. Each of these loans is issued to different groups and on different conditions, while the interest is very low. For those students who study well, the state applies benefits. In several states of the US, students who have achieved high results in education and science are presented loans as gift. Similar structures are available in Germany, France, Great Britain, as well as other European countries. Sources of loans are state resources, however, government-stimulated private funds and banks may also participate in this process. Universities themselves also provide loans, with low interest and long periods, so there are no difficulties in repaying the loans. Typically, loan repayments begin 2 years after graduation. The loans are returned for 5-7-10 years, sometimes for 30 years. All over the world, these loans play an important role for the development of education. In the Muslim countries, Indonesia and Turkey, although limitedly, have begun to apply educational loans. Education loans in Australia are interest-free. Some countries charge 1-2 percent to cover technical costs. In fact, student loans are contrary to the requirements of the Constitution. Thus, according to the Constitution, regardless of the financial situation, the state guarantees the continuation of the training of talented and capable students. In Turkey, such a credit system exists and students are given very serious benefits. Today, 42% of graduates are provided with jobs. This issue needs to be improved, as those who have taken a loan and continued their education turn into potentially problematic lenders. That is, in Azerbaijan there is currently no system of preferential loans to students. And available is Maarifchi, which is private and has no budget. Currently, at the expense of budget funds, training is paid for persons of a certain category. These are children of national heroes, young people with disabilities of Groups I and II, children of citizens who became disabled while protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, independence of the country and constitutional order, as well as young people who have lost their parents, are deprived of parent guardianship, or are graduates of boarding schools, as well as those whose parents are disabled of Group I, or whose both parents are disabled of Groups I and II. The state pays for their training and this is not a loan. With regard to the issuance by private banks of student loans to consumers, this is just advertising in order to attract attention.

According to information transmitted by local media from the Maarifchi Talaba Credit Foundation, new rules are being prepared to expand the audience of students using credit opportunities. A new concept will even be unveiled this school year. It was also brought to the attention that the Fund has so far cooperated with 15 universities, with a total of 247 educational loans signed with its students.

- How can we make students think not about paying for their studies, but about their studies? How should this problem be solved?

-I believe that universities should reduce tuition fees, provide the opportunity to pay for studies in installments, students should also be provided with interest-free educational loans on preferential terms. Although the increase in the cost of tuition fees compared to last year is not so serious, nevertheless, this question was affected by the increase in the number of planned places. Last year, 44,772 applicants took part in the competition of universities, of which 39,906 people entered. Of the number of applicants, 11,963 studied on the basis of state orders, and 27,943 on a paid basis. This year, 58,294 applicants fought for 47,847 planned places. An increase in the number of planned places will increase the income of universities. At the same time, according to existing legislation, tuition on a fee basis and related to some privileged categories of students is paid for by the state budget. In total, tuition fees are formed mainly in accordance with the quality of education, the market, the solvency of the population, the material and technical base of the educational institution, specialists involved in teaching, and the expenses spent on the educational process. For example, students for internships are sent abroad or to advanced companies located in the country, so that they can practice there, become a leading specialist before graduation, so that there is a great need for their potential. All of the above as a whole forms the cost of tuition. Unfortunately, we do not have such a practice.

I think that our tuition fees are groundless. For example, training for a lawyer is cheaper than training teachers. The training of the most expensive aviation specialist and the expenses that are spent on his practice are not correlated.

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