Executive power  of the Nasimi district signs a contract with the accused of fraud

In 2016, the Azerbaijani government decided to demolish old houses and build new ones in several districts of Baku (a "pilot project"). Residents of demolished buildings, who do not agree with the proposals of developers, come up with their own protection technologies. While the trial was going, the residents of houses that were brought under demolition did not unite as a public organization, as Russians do. The people of Baku are struggling separately with the developers who violate their rights.

Turan agency knows two cases of successful struggle of the residents of Baku houses, both cases concern the construction company Grand Plaza Ltd, since November of last year engaged in illegal eviction of residents of the neighborhood in Nasimi district of Baku, at the intersection of H.Aleskerov and S.Rustam Streets and G.Guliyev and H.Shushinsky streets.

In 2016, this company faced with a well-organized resistance of the tenants of another house, which Grand Plaza was going to demolish. The tenants in the Samed Vurgun Street appealed to the economic court and on the case. The court ruled to stop the construction of the 7 Points residential complex. But by that time the builders had damaged the house. After the court decision Grand Plaza company left the territory.

The same company faced a well-organized resistance of residents at the above-mentioned Baku address. Last week, an official letter-copy from the Emergency Situations Ministry received one of the residents of the quarter, informing the Ministry of Emergency Situations about the Grand Plaza - to adhere to construction standards, not to violate safety during construction, to observe the rights of citizens when deciding on their eviction, and . If these requirements were not met, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reserved the right to stop construction work at the specified address.

Turan correspondent met with the tenant of this quarter, who wished to remain unnamed, as they are afraid of retaliation by the construction company, which exerts strong pressure on the uncompromising tenants.

Answering the question about the mood of the tenants, the source said:

- At the moment, only 6 out of more than 100 families living in the yard have moved down. Despite the written instructions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the representative of the executive power of Nasimi district, Nuru Ahmedov, to suspend any demolition and fencing work in our quarter until the residents are completely evicted, the company continued construction of the fence on 01/29/2018. And none of the above state structures reacted to calls from dissatisfied tenants. The roof of one of the tenants' apartments on the second floor of the house was completely dismantled. Most likely, this forced the tenant on the first floor to agree with the conditions of the company and move out. The developer did not fulfill the commission of the Nasimi district executive Power to glance the windows of the residents who had left their apartments in order to prevent flood apartments in the bad weather.

In addition to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we did not receive official responses from other state bodies. Many of our letters are redirected to the Nasimi district executive power. They, as we understand, are not going to answer us in writing, so that later they can give up their words.

As for the mood of people, absolutely everyone is against demolition in exchange for signing a contract without any guarantees. In addition, absolutely all the promises of the developer remain just a promise, so they have completely exhausted the limit of our trust," added the tenant of this quarter.

Some activists of the quarter are investigating the history of the developer company, which violates their right to reside in their home. The websites of the tax service and courts are searched to find out information about them and the owner in them. The detected facts will be used in court against the Grand Plaza.

- We learned that the director of the company-developer Garib Amiraslanov (his name is indicated on the tax service website) who offered tenants to sign a contract, was convicted to eight years of conditional imprisonment for fraud in real estate. After our hype, they probably fired him, but for us it does not mean anything at all. The fact remains a fact, said the "resisting activist."

In the documents submitted by the residents it is indicated that Amiraslanov, along with the accomplice R.Hajizade, with forged documents sold the same apartments and parking spaces to several citizens. Amiraslanov and Hajizade thus appropriated 1 million 112 thousand manats.

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