Oqtay Gülalıyev. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.
Baku / 13.11.20 / Turan: On November 13, a trial was held in the Baku Nasimi District Court on the case of a car collision with human rights defender Oktay Gyulalyev on October 29, 2019. The preparatory meeting took place on October 30. At today's meeting, on November 13, under the chair of Judge Azer Tagiyev, the court listened to the testimony of the accused Kenan Abdullayev, as well as a number of witnesses, mainly the medical staff of the Center for Clinical Medicine No. 1.
Kenan Abdullayev, who hit Gyulalyev, said that before that he had been driving as a taxi in a rented car for 4 months. He works with three taxi operators. On that day, he took two clients from the Nizami cinema and drove to Yanardag (a suburb of Baku). Then he returned to Baku and dropped them off on Samed Vurgun Street - the corner of A.S. Pushkin, although he had to deliver the clients to the Nizami cinema, from where he had taken them earlier by order of the taxi operator 2111. He explained that he was in a hurry to pick up the child from the kindergarten on 131 Nizami Street, as he did every day, at the request of Samaddin Asadov's regular client. Maya Asadova and child were waiting for him at the indicated address. At the trial, the couple confirmed the order. It was about 17.20 when I received a call that Kenan was heading for us. Then my husband called and said that Kenan would not come as he had hit a man.
Abdullayev said that when turning to A.S. Pushkin St. he did not notice Gyulalyev crossing the road, and knocked him down with the right wing of the car at a speed of 15 - 20 km / h. He immediately helped him - picked him up and placed him in the car. Gyulalyev asked to drop him off, as he believed that he was feeling fine. However, Abdullayev took him to the clinic at about 18:10, that is, later than the eyewitnesses of the incident arrived there. Abdullayev explained the delay by the traffic jam.
Abdullayev handed Gyulalyev to the doctors of the clinic, and then the police took him to the police department of the Nasimi district, where, as he says, he spent three days. To this, the judge noted that the police record indicated one day. Abdullayev said that he was allowed to go home, but then he returned to the police.
Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the Center of Clinical Medicine No. 1. Tamara Hajiyeva said at the trial that computed tomography revealed bone cracks in both hemispheres of the skull, but no hemorrhage was noted.
Neurosurgeon Amirali Yusifov said that the examination showed cracks in the skull, hematoma. In this regard, Gyulalyev was placed in the intensive care unit. Gyulalyev told the doctors that he wanted to be discharged. He called his wife and informed about his condition. She arrived at the clinic. It was planned to do a second tomography by 21.00. If a dislocation of bleeding in a volume of more than 5 mm were found, then an operation would be performed to eliminate it. At the insistence of Gyulalyev's wife and several other people, he was transported to the Baku City Hospital, Yusifov said.
Gyulalev's son, Tabriz, asked why there was not a corset around his father's neck during transportation and he was sent to the Baku City Hospital, unconscious. Yusifov said that no damage was found to the neck, and he was not aware of his unconscious state. However, Yusifov made an important confession: Gyulalyev was sent to the Baku City Hospital, without accompanying examination documents and measures taken. Only a conclusion was sent, and even then, only on October 30 in the morning, when the situation of Gyulalyev, who fell into a coma, was critical. Yusifov explained this by the fact that the seal of the clinic is with the head physician and it was not possible to issue the enclosed documents.
Anesthesiologist-resuscitator Vagif Rahimov said at the court hearing that all the necessary procedures were being taken to eliminate the consequences of injuries on the head of Ogtay Gyulalyev. He also believes that it was necessary to continue treatment in their clinic.
One of the passengers of Kenan Abdullayev's taxi, whom he was taking to Yanardag, did not appear at the trial as he got out before the accident. The judge gave instructions to take him to the next hearing, which is scheduled for November 16.
Because of an accident on October 29, 2019, Gyulalyev received a head injury and fell into a coma a few hours later. Taxi driver Kanan Abdullayev was brought in as a defendant in the case. Initially, he was charged under Article 263.1 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan (violation of traffic rules, resulting in negligent harm to the health of the victim of moderate severity), but now he is charged under Article 263.1-1. Of the Criminal Code, which takes into account the infliction of grievous bodily harm to the victim. The maximum punishment under the first article is up to two years in prison, under the second - up to three. — 06D-
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