14 years from the date of launching the Azeri oil field, MPs about the need for changes to the law on political parties, the likelihood of increasing scholarships by 50%, and high prices on the market are the leading media of today's media.
The Azerbaijan newspaper writes about the Azeri oil field, as 14 years have passed since the start of its operation. The author gives an assessment of the role of the field in the development of the country's economy and goes down in history. The start of oil production from this field is considered the culmination of the Contract of the Century, since Azeri is considered the largest exploited oil field not only in the Caspian Sea, but throughout the world.
It is the oil from this field that went first along the legendary Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. In September 2017, a new BTS contract was signed, extending the life of the Azeri field.
The website Oxu.az gives an interview with an MP Siyavush Novruzov about the political parties. He believes that there is a need to make new changes to the law "On political parties" in order to control the financial reporting of parties.
He claims that there are unregistered parties in the country, and if they want to establish themselves, they must submit a financial report.
The question should be clarified which of the parties receives assistance from abroad, because it undermines the statehood of Azerbaijan.
There is also the phenomenon of creating a party, registering it, and then selling it to a rich person, who, on occasion, uses it for his own purposes.
The website Azadliq.info writes about the insufficient increase of scholarships (20%, although it was necessary to increase them by 50%). The economist Gubad Ibadoglu believes that the scholarship of 130 manat is below the subsistence minimum of 180 manat.
The website Strateq.az writes about price increases and discusses the reasons with the expert Rovshan Agayev. An increase in pensions, wages and scholarships will entail a surge in the money supply, which will increase inflation and the latter will not increase the incomes of the population.
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