Media Review for April 2, 2020

Caring for the elderly in the Corona Virus quarantine regime, the impact of the pandemic on the economy of Azerbaijan, state support for illegal workers, another drop in oil prices on the world market, and distrust of statistical data are topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about state assistance to elderly people. The Ministry of Labor mobilized social workers to assist people over 65 who are forbidden to leave their homes. Currently, the number of such workers is 11,700. Volunteers also participate in this work. The article notes that older people are happy with their work.

The website is discussing with the economist Vugar Bayramov the global crisis facing the global economy. In his opinion, a new order can be created in the global economy. So far, even during crises, the borders between countries have not been closed. To date, the damage caused by the pandemic is 3 trillion dollars. The crisis did not bypass the economy of Azerbaijan, so 4 sectors and 20 directions felt its negative impact. In order to reduce the negative, the state allocated 2.5 million manat for support programs.

The website discusses with the deputy Vahid Ahmedov the situation in the wage labor markets that exist in all regions of the country. According to the deputy, they should be provided with state support. He believes that the executive authorities should have their lists, and therefore, problems with the issuance of assistance to them should not exist.

The website discusses the topic of falling oil prices and the impact of this factor on the economy. The price of oil has fallen to $ 21 and in the near future and in the medium term, one should not expect anything good. There never was such a thing on the world oil market, and if we add the drop in economic activity to this, then today there will be no demand for black gold. It is also paradoxical that today large oil-producing countries spite each other in spite of increasing oil production to the maximum. In this regard, in April prices may fall to $ 20 or lower.

The website discusses the work of national statistics, believing that the State Statistics Committee failed the exam with the Corona Virus. The reason for this was the instructions of Ilham Aliyev to the Minister of Economy Mikail Jabbarov. According to the head of state, government agencies provide varying data, so Jabbarov must check and report on the real situation, since official statistics do not reflect it.    –0---


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