Media Review for April 22, 2020

Government action against the Corona Virus pandemic and its impact on selected sectors of the economy is the current media topic.

The newspaper Azerbaijan assesses the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, noting that the country's leadership has ensured the continuous operation of the national economy through proactive measures.

In the post-pandemic period, the right actions of the authorities will show their positive aspects. In this context, the government made perfect decisions, which were expressed in social assistance to the population.

The website writes that the activities of the State Media Support Fund should be checked. Deputy Vahid Ahmedov said that the activities of the aforementioned structure will be discussed in parliament. According to him, opinions were expressed about the injustice prevailing in this structure. This also concerns the distribution of apartments for journalists. Among those who received apartments there are also not journalists. The Accounts Chamber should begin an audit there, the deputy believes. discusses with the expert Nusrat Ibrahimov the situation in the real estate market, which was seriously affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Operations in this market are practically zero. If prices on oil exchanges rise in price, then prices on the real estate market will remain stable. discusses the topic of falling oil prices. The author wonders to what level Azerbaijan can endure a fall in prices. If the situation lasts a year or more, it will lead to large financial losses.

Revenues from April will be significantly lower, and in May, possibly even lower. OPEC believes that from July prices will gradually rise. The average oil price until this period will remain $ 35-38 per barrel of Brent brand.


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