Media Review June 3, 2019

The level of gasification, a look at the results of entrance examinations, the situation in Baku parking lots, and the activation of cargo companies are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that in terms of gasification our country is one of the leading countries. To date, Babadag, Niyaldag, and the village of Lahij, located at 1,500 meters above sea level, are gasified; last year the gas pipeline was built.

According to statistical data, in 2009-2019, 2349 settlements were gasified, the population using gas is 2 million 183 thousand people. For 10 years, 51,915 km of the gas line was carried out.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes that the lowest rate of student enrollment in the test system introduced in 1992 in universities was in 2019. This year there are no applicants who would have scored a high passing score. This was the first time in 27 years when no one gained a high score. And this is despite the fact that parents spend an extra 200 to 600 manat per month on the preparation of their children.

The website Yeni writes that the majority of parkings in the capital are a source of corruption. The website is discussing this issue with expert Eldeniz Jafarov, who believes that parking prices are too high. Parking lots, with the exception of some, are state property.

As for prices, this is the real lawlessness. The expert considers it necessary to intervene by the Ministry of Taxes and the Ministry of Economy, responsible for protecting the rights of consumers. Parking prices are determined by the services provided. Illegal prices are also set by private parking.

The website writes about a strange union between customs and cargo. The author complains that customs officers, under any pretext, force entrepreneurs to place goods in warehouses, for which they pay charge then.

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