Commentary decree on solving problem loans, the level of poverty in the country - the leading themes of today's media.
The newspaper "Azerbaijan" continues to write about the presidential decree on problem loans, emphasizing its importance. The author recalls that the decree covers loans in the amount of 10 thousand dollars or 17 thousand manat. Credit debt is written off in order to improve the social situation of citizens, as well as the situation in the banking system, to restore relations between customers and banks.
The website "Strateq.az" writes about the poverty level in the country, makes comparisons with other countries. Currently, the poverty rate is officially 5.1%.
The whole world envies us, the author writes, since the level of poverty in the United States is over 20 percent, in Germany - 16%, Sweden and Denmark - 13%, Austria - 12%.
Experts say that in Azerbaijan, official data on poverty levels do not correspond to reality, since the level indicators are outdated and are calculated on very low levels. In Germany, the poor are those whose income is below 950 euro, that is, 1900 manat.
The site "Modern.az" commented on the presidential decree regarding problem loans of February 28. The decree does not solve the issue of loans over 10 thousand dollars. MP Vahid Ahmedov argues that this issue is not on the agenda of the parliament, since a very large amount is needed to solve these loans.
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