Reducing interest in books, avoiding the use of cash registers, discussing the process of population overcrowding are topics of today's media.
The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about a decrease in interest in reading books.
Experts believe that interest in reading should be laid down from childhood, and then interest should be maintained in kindergartens and schools.
Now many people do not use regular libraries, since electronic ones have appeared, although traditional reading has considerable advantages.
The website Azpolitika.info writes about the census on October 1-10, which "no one saw." No one filled out survey sheets with special questions. The questionnaires consist of 28 points reflecting 180 indicators. 43 thousand people were involved in the distribution of questionnaires, but their work remained unnoticed. From the state budget it was allocated 23.2 million manats, but what was the need for it, if in fact this census was not carried out?
The website Modern.az writes about evading the use of cash registers. Expert Natig Jafarli says that many entrepreneurs, instead of installing cash registers, prefer to give a bribe so as not to install them. The expert calls this a long-standing chronic problem. This is especially true for small entrepreneurs. To solve it, educational work is necessary.
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