Вугар Нифтиев
Baku / 12.06.19 / Turan: A member of the organization of Azerbaijani political emigrants AND ("In the name of democracy in Azerbaijan"), an employee of Turan TV broadcasting from Europe, Vugar Niftiyev was detained in Germany the day before for the purpose of deportation. This is stated by the AND movement.
Given the high probability of his arrest and torture in Azerbaijan, the organization mobilized all resources to prevent his expulsion. During the day, contacts were established with Reporters Without Borders, the German Foreign Ministry, and the Federal Police of that country.
It was brought to the attention of the state structures of the Federal Republic of Germany that the deportation of Niftiyev to Azerbaijan could cause an international humanitarian and political scandal. In addition, AND activists and other political emigrants held a protest rally at the Dusseldorf airport. These efforts brought results. At the last moment, Niftiyev was removed from the plane and released; the deportation was postponed.
AND thanks the protesters at the Dusseldorf airport and calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to stop the persecution of political emigrants and opposition members inside the country. The AND movement is based in Strasbourg. It is headed by the chief editor of the Azadlig newspaper and the head of Turan TV, Ganimat Zahid. -06D--
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