Political and economic successes over the past 15 years, a look at the events in Gence, and the lack of participation of scientists in the issue of revising pensions are the leading topics of today's press.
The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about an effective 15-year development path, assessing the government's meetings under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. The author speaks about the importance of such meetings in the development of progress in the country, especially stopping at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 8. GDP growth in the first half of the year was 11.3%, and in the non-oil sector growth was 8.8%.
The website Musavat.com discusses the latest events in Gence on July 10, when two police officers were killed during the riots. The author draws a parallel between the events in Gence and Syria. The author is worried about what is happening, because in place of the police there might be civilians or their families. This is a warning of a great tragedy that can expect the country.
The website Azadliq.info comments on the decrees, signed by the President on June 25, according to which the additions to labor pensions to the ranks of individuals will be reconsidered, according to seniority. The author notes that former Prime Ministers, their deputies, heads of central executive authorities, their deputies, heads of local executive bodies and their deputies, former judges, employees of the prosecutor's office, justice, and the Ministry of Emergencies will be included in this category of persons. At the same time, scientists were not taken into account, the author notes, as well as teachers who are the tool in conducting falsified elections. -0-
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