Baku / 29.05.20 / Turan: In Azerbaijan, a special quarantine regime has been extended untıl 00:00 on June 15, 2020, the operational headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers said today.
However, from 00:00 on May 31, 2020, part of the restrictions under the special quarantine regime is removed in the country:
In particular, in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Lankaran and the Absheron region, the limitation of the number of employees in state institutions is canceled.
The activity of large shopping centers and malls is resumed on the territory of the country.
However, the activities of children's and other entertainment centers, cinemas, catering establishments, including inside malls, are still prohibited.
The organization of outdoor sports competitions without the participation of spectators is allowed.
Customer service in restaurants, cafes, tea houses, as well as in all catering establishments in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Lankaran and the Absheron region is extended until 22:00.
However, mass festivities and feasts with the participation of more than 10 people are still prohibited.
The government made a decision on the mandatory wearing of masks in vehicles engaged in passenger transportation, markets, in closed public catering, trade and services, state and other institutions where citizens are received and serviced,
Also, wearing masks is mandatory in closed rooms that are historical and cultural monuments, places of worship, institutions of science and health care, closed facilities for social and cultural purposes, public transport stops, in queues at ticket offices, ATMs and payment terminals, objects of trade, and services.
It is necessary to put on masks also in the open air in public places where crowding or close contact between people is observed, and it is impossible to maintain social distance.
For not wearing masks in these places administrative responsibility is provided.
Until June 15, the restriction on crossing the border of Azerbaijan by air and land has been extended, with the exception of cargo and charter flights.
The ban on entry to and exit from Baku, Sumgait, the Absheron district, Ganja and Lankaran also remains in force.
Ritual events (except for the funeral), as well as weddings, are still not allowed.
Educational institutions, cinemas, theaters, saunas, gyms, and massage salons remain closed. — 06D-
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