адвокат Асабали Мустафаев
Baku / 13.12.17 / Turan: The health of the blogger Namig Sadigli, who was arrested in administrative detention, has seriously deteriorated, Asanli Mustafayev, his lawyer, told Turan. According to him, in recent days "ambulance" was called four times, and he was hospitalized once in the city clinical center. The activist said that doctors wanted to leave him in the hospital, but law enforcement officials did not allow him to do this and he gets treatment in the prison. Sadigli complained of a cold, strong internal pain. However, due to the fact that he was quickly returned to the detention center, an accurate diagnosis was not established.
Despite the health problems, Sadigli keeps cheerfulness and sends greetings to colleagues. The lawyer also pointed to the unreasonable delay in considering the appeal for Sadigli's arrest.
On December 6 Mustafayev filed a still on December 6 filed a complaint with the Nasimi court. Under the law, the court of first instance must immediately file a complaint with the Court of Appeal. The latter must consider the matter within one day of receipt. But a week has passed.
The lawyer does not know where the appeal is now. By the decision of the Nasimi district court, the activist of the Popular Front Party, blogger Namik Sadigli, was arrested on December 1 for 30 days for not obeying the lawful requirements of the police - Article 535.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code. The party is convinced that he is being persecuted for political reasons. -06D--
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