Weather Forecast for January 15th

The weather in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula is expected to be partly cloudy with occasional overcast skies, remaining mostly dry on Monday. However, light drizzle is anticipated in some areas during the night and early morning, according to the National Hydrometeorological Service.

Winds will shift from moderate northwesterly at night to northeasterly during the day. Temperatures in the capital are forecast to range between 3°C and 5°C at night, rising to 6°C to 8°C during the day. Atmospheric pressure will remain above normal at 769 mm Hg, with relative humidity between 70% and 80%.

In other regions across Azerbaijan, predominantly dry conditions are expected. Some eastern areas may experience intermittent precipitation, including snowfall. Fog is forecast in certain locations, and westerly winds will prevail.

Temperatures in the regions will vary, with lows of -2°C to 3°C at night and daytime highs of 6°C to 10°C. In mountainous areas, temperatures are predicted to drop to -3°C to -8°C at night, climbing to 3°C to 7°C during the day.

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