With the support of Azercell training sessions on cyber security were organized for schoolchildren in Guba

Taking into account the high importance of the cyber security and safe use of internet, "Azercell Telecom" LLC continues to hold training sessions in various regions of the country. In the furtherance of this activity, the company organized the next "Internet safety and digital citizenship" sessions in the secondary school N 1, named after H.Aliyev, in Guba, gathering the children of 6-9 grades, as well as their teachers and parents. Training sessions which held during 13-17 May, provided participants with theoretical and practical tips about threats on internet, ways to notice them outside the school and how to fight them back. The sessions conducted by the "Azərbaycan Müəllim İnkişafı Mərkəzi" with the audience of 137 people consulted on effective use of social networks, provided the list of resources established for children and awareness-raising materials on the grounds of safe internet use for children and adults. Moreover, the participants were trained on how to fight against dangerous games, extremism, theft of personal and financial data and acquired detailed information about internet security, safe home environment and possible threats that schoolchildren may have confront with.

It should be noted that, Azercell, always placing a special emphasis on security of the children in the virtual world, has launched "Azercell Plus Security" program which includes the services of "Universal Protection", "Protection for Android" and "Parental Control". This program allows parents to track the posts and to detect the changes in their children"s friend list on social networks, be aware of the groups they join, reveal their locations and create a safe space for them.

For more information, please contact news@mcs.az

The leader of the mobile communication industry, the largest taxpayer and the biggest investor of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan "Azercell Telecom" LLC was founded in 1996. With 49 percent share of Azerbaijan"s mobile telecom market Azercell"s network covers 99.1 percent of the territory (excluding the occupied territories) and 99.8 percent of population of the country. Currently, 4.5 million subscribers choose Azercell services. Azercell has pioneered an important number of innovations in Azerbaijan, including GSM technology, advance payment system, mobile internet services, Metro coverage, 24/7 call center service (*1111), 7 day/week Front Office service, M2M services, one-stop-shopping approach Azercell Express offices, mobile customer services, Online Customer Care and Social Media Customer Care services, mobile e-signature service "ASAN Imza" etc. Azercell deployed first 4G - LTE services in Azerbaijan in 2012. According to the results of mobile network quality and wireless coverage mapping surveys by international systems, Azercell"s network demonstrated the best results among the mobile operators of Azerbaijan. Azercell is the only company in Azerbaijan and CIS region which has been awarded Gold Certificate of International "Investors in People" Standard.®

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