There is a catch phrase: "When one person dies, this is a tragedy, and when millions die, it becomes a statistics". The phrase is attributed to Stalin, which annoys the Stalinists, who come out with denials. It does not matter who said it, because behind the phrase there is a real psychological phenomenon: to paraphrase, we say that the statistical information about the grief (or joy) of millions is not as effective in consciousness as the story of one particular person.

Every day in the Azerbaijani media, you can find statistics on hundreds of cars and dozens of apartments donated to Azerbaijani veterans. It is possible to add zero to these numbers it will change nothing. At the statistical information level, indeed, the state provides and gives to veterans of the Great Patriotic War movable and immovable property, and on the eve of May 9, it gives out a one-time cash gift. However, statistics fade away when a concrete, living war veteran is found living in difficult conditions in our successful Azerbaijan.

Adela Agakishiyeva, a 94-years old veteran of the Great Patriotic War, lives in a one-room apartment in Baku. She is alone in this world and has no children. Her meager property was stolen; the veteran was left without an apartment. Her leg is injured and she cannot walk. She lost hearing in the war. Nephews have forgotten about it. Nobody calls and asks - is she alive, or maybe...?

A good girls looks after her, fortunately there are still such good people. On the Victory Day on May 9, the main holiday for her, Adela -hanum wanted to meet with the president, who always emphasizes state care for war veterans who saved the world from fascism. The President meets on May 9 with veterans, they are waiting for him to shake hands with them and then tell their relatives about it with pride.

A good girl writes in a social network:

- We planned to take her to this meeting, she was eager. It could be an honor for her: to be among the veterans at this meeting. We called the car, she was in a wheelchair, and we took her downstairs at 8 am. We arrived at the Nagorno Park, but we were simply not allowed to the meeting, and were told that our name is not on the list, although Agakishiyeva is listed in the society of war veterans. When we asked the reason for the ban to meet with the head of state, we were told that they "do not know."

We called the district department of the Society of Veterans. The woman said that the wheelchair veterans were not allowed. Absurd! She gave the number of deputy head of the department. They called; he said, "It is not my responsibility, talk to the main person."

We called to the main person, I told him about our problem, and demanded that Agakishiyeva be allowed to participate in the event. He did not speak to me, and hung up. I called again and demanded that the problem be solved, he said, "I don"t know anything, it is not up to me," I asked the contacts of the person who deals with these matters. He offered to find out from the person who gave me his phone number. I asked him to introduce himself, and again he hang up. We brought this woman home with tears in her eyes.

I beg you all, please call her and congratulate you on the holiday, I am sure she will be very pleased. (She has a hearing aid). Adelia's number is +994 55 554 08 48, - shared" wrote an "a good girl", a citizen and a big person in reality, who does not give his name.

To this, one could add that the co-director of the veteran organization, who stopped the telephone conversation, is in fact a bonded man; he does not make lists of veterans admitted to the president, and he never shook president"s hand. There are "special veterans" with the president who have nothing to complain about or cannot do for other reasons. This also includes the security requirements of the president, the need to observe a beautiful TV picture from the report on this meeting and other conditions that are not addressed to a specific non-statistical person - a 94-year-old war veteran who saved the world from fascism.

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