

These days, when the coronavirus pandemic is rampant, it is not the supermarkets that we emptied, but the refrigerators...  because the population does not have enough money to empty even ordinary markets; because behind the supermarkets, at least behind their most famous chains, there is a state, a government official, and behind the back of the population there is neither one nor the other.

The pandemic prompted not only the United States, Turkey and other states to provide financial assistance to the population, for example, Kazakhstan decided to pay 42 thousand 500 tenge (about $ 100) to every unemployed person. What is being done in this regard in our country?

I know a family, which earned money working all day long in the wedding palaces, in order to feed his family. Some people earned by transporting passengers from regions to the capital. Now the government has suspended the work of the wedding palaces and has banned such passenger traffic. What should these people do? There are hundreds of thousands of such people.

 A number of segments of the population, tutors, taxi drivers, waiters, hairdressers, small entrepreneurs and traders, lost their income. What should these people do to feed their children, how to survive?

Previously, when a person had some difficulties, money shortage, he asked for money in debt, saying, "I'll pay you back." Now no one will lend you money, because everyone knows: in the coming months you will not receive a salary, and that our future is generally very foggy.

         Owners of small shops are still selling bread, eggs and pasta to their regular customers on credit. However, what will happen when at the end of the month they cannot repay this debt?  Let us assume that they will stand a week longer, will eat bread and jam. What then? How can a half-starved person with a weakened immune system due to poor nutrition be protected from disease?

What about the payment for electricity, gas, telephone and the Internet? Indeed, in Azerbaijan, it has been transferred to the smart card system, and if you do not make an advance payment, the previous limit will be written off. People will be left without gas, light and the Internet.

Just a month ago, President Ilham Aliyev said that our state has large financial reserves, and “If we want, we will pay off state debts for the month.” We have always been told that our foreign exchange reserves are “unmeasured”. But why don't we see this?! Why was only 2.5 billion manat allocated for the fight against coronavirus? For example, Kazakhstan did not stint and paid $ 10 billion for it.

If the state does not support the people even on this bad day, then why and for whom has it accumulated so many reserves? Why, when most states provide support, provide financial assistance to the population, our state, on the contrary, creates the Fund to fight coronavirus and collects money from the people ?!

True, people do not openly protest against this government policy, they are simply afraid, but people are not happy with it. Everyone understands that this should not be so.

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