Residents of the house in the Bailovo settlement appealed to the president "for the last time"
Baku / 11.05.19 / Residents of an apartment building at Baku, Sabail district, St. Alibey Huseynzade, 8, sent a "last open letter" to the President of Azerbaijan.
They state that despite repeatedly sent letters to the president and the first vice-president, their appeals remained unanswered. Residents suggest that the letters do not reach the president.
Citizens report the arbitrariness of the construction company Qala Group and the Sabah Residense company, which, using Cabinet Resolution No. 86 of February 25, 2016, force residents to leave the privatized apartments. In this, decree the house at the address: St. Alibeya Huseynzade, 8 is not included among the 41 pilot projects.
"Despite we have an independent expert opinion that the N8 building is not in disrepair, the leaders of Qala Group and Sabah Rezidense use various ways to expel apartment owners."
Residents report that despite Sabah Residence owns only $ 500 of share capital; it undertook to build three 19-storey buildings in the landslide zone in Bailovo. In the same place, this company intends to build one 16-storey building, a 7-storey hotel and a shopping center.
The legal representative of the company Shahmar Mamedov, who is also the chair of the Bar Association Disciplinary Commission, puts pressure on the tenants.
Having filed a lawsuit, Sh. Mamedov, by the efforts of the judges of the Sabail Court, Shahin Abdullayev and Nuraddin Bagirov, condemned 28 families to the loss of property rights. The court made an absurd decision to deprive citizens of their property. The decision of the court was because the house of the accused was in an emergency, it could collapse, which created a danger to the citizens living there. However, residents say in a letter to the president that these allegations are unfounded.
"This decree grossly violates paragraph 1 of article 13 and article 29 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic. At the same time, the ruling violates the requirements of Articles 9.1, 9.3, 88 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Articles 14.2.1, 19, 152.1, 152.5, 337.2, and 339.1 of the Criminal Code.
On April 30, 201, the judge of the Court of Appeal Ilham Karimli decided to uphold the absurd decision of the Sabail District Court to deprive the residents of their property. Judges do not want to investigate the issues raised by residents, do not accept the arguments of lawyers, do not create conditions for residents to speak and lawyers in court, as well as representatives of the State Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. This shows that the judges are not interested in making a fair decision on this issue, and that they carry out their orders and orders, citizens write.
Residents remind the president of the first article of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party. This document says about the right of people to own property and state protection of this right. -0-
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