Settlement of Refugees Faced Threat of Destruction
Approximately 150 IDP families settled in the territory of "house-building plant N 3" in the village Darnagul, behind the shopping center Elite declare the intolerable conditions of their life.
People began to settle in this place 20 years ago after the company suspended its activities.
They built shacks made of wood and cardboard among the concrete walls of the enterprise.
This house has almost no fresh air and the children playing among the rubbish and waste of the old enterprise often get ill and are born with disabilities. There is no system of water and gas supply. Due to lack of sanitation, there is a sewage flock to the surrounding area.
Despite complaints to various government agencies, the citizens for many years wait for the promised speedy resettlement of the internally displaced persons in the constructed high-rise buildings.
In the meantime, people are under constant threat of collapse of the concrete walls of the enterprise on their housing.

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