Cahangir Hacıyev

Cahangir Hacıyev

Mr. President, I repeatedly appealed to you, asking for help and protection against the arbitrariness of three structures - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Justice. For eight months I was not given a meeting with Jahangir, the same was with lawyers. One of them was deprived of lawyer activity for a year. No one bothered to give an explanation on this matter.

The meetings resumed only after Jahangir's transfer to the detention center. Despite the fact that he was illegally accused and sentenced to fifteen years of imprisonment, new criminal charges have been brought against him. On the new charges, the consequence is again not appropriated appropriation. A charge was raised for tax evasion in IBA-Moscow. But as Jahangir, not being a director of enterprises and not having an attitude to IBA-Moscow taxes (where his leadership was there), he could evade taxes. Also charged with laundering dirty money. However, we do not understand where and how they were laundered.

To date, by order of the Prosecutor General's Office, we were again forbidden to meet, he was also banned from calling home. On what grounds? How to name the situation that has developed, except, no matter how genocide, another word does not come to mind. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has forbidden my departure from the country, I have no loans and I am not a founder in any company. The fact that I am Jahangir's sister does not give a legal basis to forbid me to leave the country?

On the part of the Ministry of Justice, verbally, it was instructed not to register me with a right to enter into law and not to give the opportunity to sell my apartment. Oral order proves its illegality. My daughter, the mother of three little children, was fired from her job. Jahangir was kept in the 13th colony, exerted all sorts of pressure, up to the punishment cell.

We can not understand what is being prosecuted for our family?

I'm not like a sister, but as a citizen of Azerbaijan I declare to all the people of my country - Jahangir has not appropriated a single manat.

Everything that happened to him was fabricated.

At this time, in protest against the pressure of the investigative bodies, Jahangir went on a hunger strike.

I ask you to protect our family from bullying and persecution.

Sincerely, Amina Hajiyeva

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