Dear Chinghiz- muallim, you are living personification of the epoch incorporating ideas of socialist realism, thaw of the 1960, Brezhnev stagnation and post-imperial surrealism.
Like the time machine, your creative writing provided millions of your readers with opportunity to transport by time travel device to the 19 century Caucasus; epoch of dissolution of the Russian and Soviet Empires; Arabian sands where Islam set in and a new era in the development of mankind came into being.
Your inimitable Aesopic language imbued with versicles of oriental scrip run through all your masterpieces either of which is a cipher key to the human universe. Our literature would be miserable without "Magomed, Mamed, Mamish, "Family secrets", "Fatal Fathali", "Directory Igra", "Doctor N," "Meraj".
We, your readers, would like to thank you for everything.
The TURAN agency staff members wishes you many happy returns of the day and new successes and achievements in literary pursuits and look forward to hearing from you new literary revelations.
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