The media bill, which is hastily debated in parliament, but in fact remains unchanged, surprised even the pro-government media with another innovation - a journalist's certificate from the Media Development Agency (MEDİA).
The only country where a “single national journalist card” was being developed was Uzbekistan. The question was exaggerated in February 2019, but did not find its continuation.
Article 70. Certificate of a journalist
70.1. Journalists included in the register of media outlets are issued a journalist certificate by a body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority. The form of a journalist's card, the amount of payment for its issuance or replacement and the procedure for using these funds are determined by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.
Why is it issued, what is the purpose of such a certificate? Does this mean that the editorial certificate remains valid or not? Does the certificate of the edition included in the register remain valid? Is the identity of a journalist of an editorial office that is not included in the register recognized? The bill does not answer all these questions, as well as others.
Article 71. Privileges of persons to whom a journalist's certificate is issued tries to justify the issuance of such a document with certain privileges:
71.1.1. free visits to museums, galleries, state and municipal property, as well as objects of cultural events related to the implementation of journalistic activities;
71.1.2. be accredited by state bodies (institutions), enterprises and organizations, non-governmental organizations;
71.1.3. access to the venues of these events for the purpose of searching, receiving, transferring, producing and distributing mass information about significant events, if they are accredited in accordance with Article 72 of this Law;
71.1.4. enjoy the benefits and privileges provided for in Articles 76.1.2–76.1.5 of this Law.
The question is, how did the accreditation of a journalist in government agencies and access to the venues of state events has become a privilege. This must be understood in such a way that journalists with MEDIA certificates will have privileges over journalists with editorial certificates. Does this mean that the latter will become second-class journalists and will be deprived of accreditation in state institutions and access to events? But we must make a reservation that these issues do not apply to independent media, which, even without this innovation, practically do not receive accreditation in government agencies and are not invited to their events.
Now about the register of media and journalists. Here, in principle, everything is clear:
73.1. In order to systematize information about media subjects, including their editorial offices, as well as about journalists, a media register is being created in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
73.2. The media register is an electronic information resource managed by a body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority, the storage of which is carried out at the expense of the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
This will include all data about editorial offices, journalists: everything that already takes place in editorial offices that are taxpayers.
In principle it is an interesting initiative. It would be worth expanding. For example, create a single registry:
Government agencies,
Law enforcement,
In a word, create unified registers of all professional workshops without exception. And everyone will be given uniform professional identity cards that can replace single identity cards. By the way, law enforcement agencies can facilitate the work of the MEDIA registry by opening access to the citizens' database, where addresses, phone numbers, and possibly personal data are registered. Then MEDIA will more effectively develop the media in Azerbaijan. In which direction it is known - the year of the agency's activity is evidence of this. In the direction of freedom and independence is excluded. These concepts are not stipulated in the regulation and charter of MEDIA.
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