The rules on postal services have been defined. According to the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan website (the state register of legal acts, http://huquqiaktlar.gov.az/StatementDetails.aspx?statementId=34235), it is not allowed to send abroad firearms and ammunition, edged weapons and special means of self-defense and assault, narcotics and psychotropic drugs, quickly flammable, radioactive and other hazardous substances. It is permitted to send working documents, photos, reports, receipts, documents, notarized copies of documents and certificates, instruments for payments in foreign currency, securities and objects of cultural and community and industrial purpose, food with a long shelf life, printed materials, plants, drugs and other items allowed to be imported into the country of destination.
Domestically authorized is sending charts and manuscripts, securities or documents, lottery tickets, photographs, stamps, manuscripts, litigation reports, working documents, photographs, art cards, printed materials of advertising-information character, as well as other documents of value to the sender or recipient. It is also allowed to send items of cultural and community and industrial supplies, foodstuffs with a long shelf life, medicines, fruits, vegetables, etc. --17D-
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