Local MP painted the name Nzhdeh in Armavir

Baku / 13.11.19 / Turan: The Armenian Embassy in the Russian Federation expressed indignation at the actions of the deputy of the Armavir City Duma, Alexey Vinogradov, who painted the memorial board to the Armenian leader Garegin Nzhdeh with black paint.

“The embassy expresses deep indignation at the incident in Armavir. The actions of the deputy of the city Duma of Armavir (Krasnodar Territory) Vinogradov are regarded by us as an act of vandalism in the territory of the church of the Armenian Apostolic Church,” the embassy said in a statement.

The embassy believes that what happened can lead to ethnic tension.

The board was installed in 2012 in the territory of the Armenian Church.

Earlier, the regional and local authorities, as well as representatives of the local branch of the Union of Armenians of Russia, promised to dismantle the memorial plaque of Nzhdeh, writes Red Spring.

However, the board was not dismantled, and Vinogradov “resolved the issue on his own”, painting it with black paint.

In 2017, the residents of Armavir sent a collective statement to the authorities, law enforcement agencies, demanding to dismantle the board Garegin Nzhdeh.

It should be noted that earlier Azerbaijan repeatedly accused Armenia of the glorification of accomplices of fascism, which is considered Garegin Nzhdeh. -02D-


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