The dramatic events in Turkey showed a difficult period that the country has entered. This once again confirms the view that it is important to separate religion from the state, said in an interview with Turan executive secretary of the REAL Movement Natig Jafarli. "When one person stays in power over 10 years it necessarily causes problems. This classic political axiom today once again has been confirmed in Turkey," he said, expressing the hope that the Turkish society will be able to find a way out of the situation.
The leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli expressed concern with Erdogan’s attempt to restore the death penalty and to apply it to the rebels. "However, it is absurd to apply the death penalty to the officers and soldiers, and not to do it in respect of Abdullah Öcalan and other Kurdish terrorists," he said.
After preventing the coup with the support of the media and the opposition, the authorities should behave modestly, conciliatory. The answer should be a deepening of democracy, and not repression. Erdogan must abandon the harsh rhetoric against opponents, stop putting pressure on the media to be more tolerant of criticism," said Kerimli. The attempted coup should not be used for mass reprisals against judges and public prosecutors. Previously dozens of people had been arrested on sensational cases as "Ergenekon" and "Balyozov". Society must be assured that the attempt of rebellion will not be used for tightening the screws, Kerimli said. Kerimli also considers unacceptable the spread of staff degrading the authority of the country's Armed Forces. "These processes could lead to the strengthening of authoritarianism in Turkey, or on the contrary, give an impetus to the new democratic development, contribute to the enthronement of good will, of national unity. The authorities should take steps to reduce systemic intolerance and malice," said Kerimli.
The head of the National Center for thought and a former leader of the party "Musavat" Isa Gambar welcomed the joint statement of all parliamentary factions in Turkey, and condemned the coup. "Phone calls to the president of the opposition leaders and an expression of their gratitude for the joint position is a very big step," said Gambar. However, he considers it necessary to avoid belittling the authority of the army. It is unacceptable to discredit the entire army because of the group of military. On the other hand, the state must send a positive message to the society.
"Free media, independent television channels and social networks - Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, FaceTime created a completely different environment. In contrast to the coups in the second half of the 20th century, now the society had the opportunity to obtain information. This transparency has played a very important role in the suppression of the coup. Therefore, government officials and the government must evaluate the importance of new media, social networks and stop their limit," said Gambar.
If all of this is not taken into account and the process l go in the other direction, the tension in the country will not subside, and will lead to undesirable processes. Stability in Turkey is important for Azerbaijan and the whole region, Gambar said.
"The army, police, gendarmerie of Turkey are one of the best in the world. However, they are powerless before the will of the people. On the night of July 16, the Turkish people have shown their will and defended the elected authorities. This is a great victory for the Turkish people," said the head of the National Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Hasanli.
However, unlike the rebels, the government should act within the law. If the part of the army was involved in the coup, the military cannot be lynched. The guilty must be punished by the court. Humiliation of soldiers is not allowed," said Hasanli.-03B06-
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