Another Rally of Azerbaijani Political Emigrants in Germany

Baku / 09/14/19 / Turan: Activists of the organization Choose Democratic Azerbaijan (CDA) held an action in defense of political prisoners in Azerbaijan in Giessen, Germany, in front of the editorial offices of two well-known German media, Giessener Allgemeine Zeitung and Gießener Anzeiger, on September 13.

This was reported by one of its organizers, Lamia Ahmedova. In addition to her, Aygun Maharramova, Zohra Hasan, Murad Ahmedov, Ramil Iskenderli, Emin Manafov, Mamed Garayev, Gachay Piriyev, Nadir Rzayev, Ramiz Guliyev, Ramin Ahmedov, Emil Guliyev, Abdulhuseyn Aleksherliyev, Intigam Khudiyev, Elmir Shiraliyev, Elshan Huseynov and others took part in the action. They condemned the persecution of Azerbaijani citizens for political reasons and called on the German media not to remain indifferent and to draw attention of the public of this country and Europe to the problem.

It was noted that in terms of the number of political prisoners (119), Azerbaijan is one of the leaders in the world. In addition, in the world Media Freedom Index, Azerbaijan occupies 166th place among 180 countries of the world. And in the Transparency Index of Corruption Perception, Azerbaijan ranks 152nd among 180 countries of the world.

CDA launched the campaign "German Journalists in Support of Political Prisoners" and, as part of it, it holds campaigns in various cities of Germany to draw media attention to human rights violations in Azerbaijan, including the cases of arrested journalists. -06D-

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