The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has issued a statement The Illegal Economic and Other Activities in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan. The study based on open Armenian sources provides evidence of illegal settlement in the occupied territories, the barbaric looting of property and natural resources, and the illicit trade.
Facts indicate illegal export of products, mineral resources and others from the occupied areas to the international market.
"In spite of the efforts for a political settlement of the conflict, Armenia openly conducts a policy of consolidation of the occupation in order to complete the annexation of the occupied lands," the report says.
Azerbaijan called on Armenia to fulfill its international obligations, immediately suspend relocation of settlers to the occupied territories, and stop illegal economic and trade activities and looting of the cultural heritage.
Azerbaijan also called on the international community to take effective measures to curb the illegal activities in the occupied territories and stop the physical and legal persons involved in this.
Azerbaijan warned that on the basis of the national legal system the natural and legal persons involved in the illicit activities will be prosecuted.
The full report is on the link:
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