Əvəz Zeynallı

Əvəz Zeynallı

Baku/05.11.22/Turan: On November 4, the Binagadi district court considered a complaint of journalist Avaz Zeynally against the investigative department of the Prosecutor General's Office, which banned him from meeting and telephone conversations during the investigation.

As lawyer Fakhraddin Mehdiyev told Turan, the representative of the investigative body motivated this by "the probability of disclosure of the secrets of the investigation."

The defense stressed the inconsistency of this argument, because no investigative actions are being carried out with Avaz Zeynally. Second, the right to telephone conversations and visits with loved ones is guaranteed by law.

The lawyer also pointed out the health problems of Zeynally, who suffers from diabetes and needs eye surgery.

However, the court rejected Avaz Zeynally's claim.

* Recall that lawyer Elchin Sadigov and founder of the website "Hural TV" Avaz Zeynally were detained on September 10 on suspicion of receiving a bribe. On September 11th, the court arrested both of them.

On September 17, the Baku Court of Appeal transferred Sadygov to house arrest.

Later, Zeynally was charged with a new charge under Article 312-1.1 (Illegal influence on the decision of an official (trade in authority) of the Criminal Code—06B-

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