Police Raids in Nur Activists’ Apartments

During the raids conducted by the police in the Garadagh district of the capital, prohibited religious books were confiscated from local residents practicing the Nur movement’s ideology.

According to the Interior Ministry, in the course of inspection of the apartment of a resident of Sahil Rizvan Hamidov (born in 1983), they found 159 books and 9 magazines, the promotion and dissemination of which is prohibited.

In the apartment of Ilkin Ibrahimov (born in 1975) in Lokbatan they found and seized 14 copies of such books.

In the same village at Samir Ibrahimov (born in 1977) they found 17 copies, at Terikhanim Ibrahimova (born in 1960) - 10 copies and at Gandab Huseynova (born in 1975) - 15 copies of forbidden books. The fact is under investigation, Turan was told in the press service of the Interior Ministry. -06D-

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