The situation in the economy, the growth of imports, the fall of AZN and the deplorable state of urban infrastructure are the main topics of today's press.
The official newspaper Azerbaijan continues a series of laudatory articles about the success of the country's economy and its stable development. According to the author, this is reflected in the stability of the economy against the backdrop of global cataclysms, strengthening the country's rating as a regional leader. Added to this is the status of the country, ensuring energy security of Europe and conducting an independent foreign policy.
"Against this background, the model of Azerbaijan should serve as an example for other countries," the author writes.
The site of the newspaper Azadlig, Azadliq.info discusses the causes of the growth of imports. The expert Nemat Aliyev reports the increase in imports of food products for the first 9 months of this year amounted to almost 32% - almost a million dollars. This is 4% higher than in the same period last year. Authorities have been unable to do anything to reduce the volume of imports.
Local food production is reduced, for the year the local production decreased by 40%. The reason for this is the failure of the government's policy not able to create any normal conditions and encourage local producers, says Nemat Aliyev.
The newspaper Echo argues that the rate of AZN will not increase, even if the oil price rises to $ 100.
Experts believe that now is the time to let AZN start "free floating", and by the end of the year it can reach the level of AZN 1.80 per dollar.
The expert Natig Jafarli believes the country's banks have foreign debts totaling $ 4 billion. Payments on these debts and servicing of foreign borrowings will last until the end of the year, which will put pressure on the exchange rate of AZN.
Bizim Yol devotes its main material to the terrible state of urban infrastructure and the millions expended for it. The downpour of 16-17 October paralyzed urban infrastructure, confirming that the millions of AZN were misspent or embezzled.
Ten days after the rains, the Binagadi district of the capital still looks like a lake and its utilities are actually out of order.
Almost AZN 450 million was allocated from the state budget for housing and utilities in the capital in recent years. Every year, the volume of allocated funds is increasing, but there is no improvement.
The author of the material also notes the Binagadi district officially has 260,000 residents registered, but in fact, the population of this district of Baku is 400,000. Many of these people live in illegally built houses without infrastructure, which is one of the reasons for the poor state of the streets and sewers.
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