Baku / 07.23.19 / Turan: In Baku and Absheron on Wednesday, weather is expected without precipitation, and a moderate north wind will blow.
At night and in the morning the wind will sometimes increase. The air temperature will be 21-25 at night and 30-34 degrees in the daytime, according to the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Environment of Azerbaijan.
It will be windy on the Absheron beaches. The temperature of sea water will be 23-25 degrees.
Precipitation is also not expected in the regions of Azerbaijan. However, in the late afternoon in some mountainous areas there is a probability of short rains with thunderstorms and hail.
Air temperature on Wednesday afternoon in low-lying areas will be 34-39 degrees Celsius, and in the mountains it will be 20-25 degrees Celsius.
At the same time, the weather forecast for weather-sensitive people is favorable - a moderate northerly wind will contribute to their well-being. -06D--
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