On how officialdom turns into reality President’ decree- - Baku police case – PHOTO

Well-known Azerbaijani architect, author of numerous social initiatives and articles on preservation of Azerbaijani architectural heritage, Elchin Aliyev was detained by police and subjected to rough treatment at police station. It happened shortly two days after a speech of Azerbaijani President who ordered functionaries to show respect to citizens of the country.  

Below-cited is a brief description of the incident with the architect he shared at ФБ.

In the morning I decided to snap some shots in Gurban Abbasov street, Bailov district with its very beautiful buildings I adore. The thing is that for some time past I’ve been working on the book dealing with this period in the development of city’s architecture and eager to fix extant architectural monuments.

As soon as I took out a camera from my car and trained camera lens on a carved console of balcony I heard not-printable words of local residents, certain, as it turned out, Fuad Kerimov and Rahib Hasanov who demanded from me to give reasons for taking pictures and produce papers identifying my personality.

Beyond any doubts, I did my best to explain circumstances as saying that I’m architect and taking photos for my future monograph. However, a voice within me said: why should I offer excuses to unfamiliar people? Why in the world? Do I have a right to take photos? And I replied appropriately to these two locals, champions of private life «What is that to you? That goes for me». All hell broke lose!

Let me speak aside: it is difficult to imagine catastrophic conditions of historical buildings in Bailov! They are in dire straits. The same conditions are typical for tenants of these buildings … Nervous, vexed, insecure of the future. Nobody explains them what will happen to them and their dwellings tomorrow. In view of this, any man with a camera is perceived as a potential insider of construction company and an object of the nearest future.

You will have to exercise much forbearance in this case when engaging with the likes of them – To contact these disgruntled, embittered and base fellows, it is necessary either to sink to their level and speak empty rhetoric, ominous gestures I’m unable or condone tacitly and abandon the field. It cannot be emphasized enough that it is useless trying explain them something. When you talk profusely on architecture or book publication, people of this sort take it as impotence. The point is that they own the force only. This notwithstanding, I attempted to hammer my approach to them – I prefer to hold a dialogue even uncomprehending people – there is no alternative to talks.

By the way, it didn’t help, so they called the police as saying that some spy is engaged in photographing buildings and declines from producing papers. Say what you like, but a legal culture of the population is growing, luckily).

In ten minutes, a large patrol wagon with lattice windows, # 99AP246 arrived upon the scene, and Sergeant Parviz Huseynov came here to me. Well, praise be to Allah, presence of the guardian of the law is huge relief: our valorous policeman will explain nervous locals that I have infringed their rights and that the law allows to take photos. Also, I’ll go in peace.

Alas! Upon hearing complaints of local comrades the sergeant with thunderous voice demanded from me to explain reasons of my photo-surveying! I explained him the situation as saying that I’m an architect, fond of photographing and writing books.

He thought for some minutes, talked on the two-way to higher-ups and with a thoughtful air Parviz Huseynov declared: «It is prohibited to photograph buildings in Azerbaijan!» then, much to everyone’s delight, he asked me to go to the #8 police station of Sabail district for verification of my identity and deep-rooted causes of my photographing. A representative of my homeland amiably opened doors of the car and bade me sit down inside. «It serves me right», I said to myself.

- For what? I asked – Have I broken the law? Why cannot I photograph? Where is that in the…? And I’ve no documents with me, for all of them in my car’s glove box.
- Cut it out – the sergeant replied. He did not let me take documents out of my car – I won’t waste time talking to you.

….After a long wait in the corridor accompanied by clownish behavior of peace-officer, investigating officer Orkhan Mamedzadeh turned to me as saying:

- «Hey, you-hoo! Why are you taking pictures? Are you an archaeologist? ».

- «Please, don’t perk your finger in me! I’m an architect, master-builder» - I replied.

- «Oh guys, take a look at him! He does not like the way I address to him!» - He turns to his colleagues, and all of them begin laughing at me – «How should I address to you?» The same recurred again under burst of laughter.

After long rhetorical exercises Mamedzadeh finally infers:

- «If you took pictures in my apartment’ yard, I’d beat you to a pulp» says the inspector sure of his impunity and meant to protect my rights– he looked like he was pushing thirty.

They manhandled me as if I was an enemy of mankind encroaching upon the security of the state. There had been no signs of respect for the individual, his rights and dignity; indisposition to sort out the situation. In all appearance, they enjoyed to degrade me, insult my dignity. In so doing, they hoped to provoke me into counter moves, and thus institute criminal proceedings against me.

I couldn’t stand tensions anymore and for fear of losing temper – which is expressly excluded – quite unexpectedly got on my feet and went to a head of the police department, sharply opened  a door and came round colonel Bayram Islamov sitting alone at the table. I told him that the inspector was getting tough with me and if continued I won’t move from here.

It is worth pointing out that this higher-up behaved like a lout threatening me with hooliganism case. He charged me with bursting into his room as walk-in and shouted «Get along with you otherwise I’ll file a case against you!» Indeed, presumption of innocence is rare guest in this police station …

It is terrible that representatives of the state meant to maintain law, secure me and my rights, bite, instead, someone’s head off and be rudely with an ordinary citizen enjoying his defenseless and rightlessness at the police station.

The essential point to remember is that several days ago the Head of the State declared the following: "Bureaucrats, representatives of state structures must live a life dedicated to needs of the public, ordinary citizens, refrain from impoliteness and insolence. In some cases bureaucrats act high and mighty. It is beyond the pale. They must give priority to political culture and be respectful to citizens".

All things considered, I had a chance to get stuck at the police station for long, as easy as nothing!

Following two hours of nerve-wracking, written pleadings and presentation of documents, I was allowed to go. I asked the inspector to drive me back to my car: I had no money to get hold of my car. However, our quixotic police spit upon my problems...Count your lucky stars. Be thankful that you are at liberty! And I walked all the way...

Now I’m at home thinking: why does not the head of police station understand that it is illegal to make a person with camera answerable? Why is such a policeman holding his high-up position? What is there to talk about tourism or foreign guests? It transpires that we are going around in circles: similar incidents with me took place 25-30 years, and nothing has changed since even despite President’s numerous efforts on this track. The problem lies in premeditated sabotage and inactivity of functionaries. As if there are two non-intersecting parallel worlds: optimistic articles in mass media (I don’t watch local TV-channels) and stern reality.

Here it is worth citing that when engaged with fellow-citizens I come to the conclusion that approx. fifty years are needed for us to adopt principles of tolerance, respect for rights of others, democracy, etc. Allah forbid, to hold honest and transparent elections in Azerbaijan – there will be chaos, demagogues and populists will come to power or anybody else. The problem is that all the characters mentioned above will be elected by an overwhelming majority of the semiliterate, legally incompetent and uncultered population. Our population is overwhelmingly illiterate and uneducated. Suffice to cite my example: tens of citizens were ready to hurl an insult at me - an individual different from them by his line of thinking and actions. What does the future hold?

It ought to be noted that I was not permitted to photograph this monument of Stalin architecture designed by Michael Useynov – I’ll have to return there pending decision on my case – what if I’d be criminated as a spy to please corrupted «architecture» functionaries.


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