Ali Abasov

Ali Abasov

Doctor of Philosophy

Date of birth: 11 October, 1950

Place of birth: Baku, Azerbaijan Republic


1968 – 1973        Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute, Diploma; Specialty: Physics

1982      Candidate of Philosophy; Certificate

1988      Doctor of Philosophy; Certificate

Work Experience

2001 - till present           Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches (at the National Academy of

Science of Azerbaijan), Baku,

Head of Department "Newest trends in philosophy and gender researches"

Main fields of research: philosophical problems of natural sciences, the theory of knowledge, social philosophy. One of the beginnings of research in republic on culture of peace, a gender

1978 - till present      Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Republic

Scientific Researcher; Head of Department; Deputy Director; Director, Head of Department         

1998 - till present           Non-Government Centre of Research on Contemporary Social Processes "AREAT"; Head

1999 - till present           The South Caucasus Centre of Culture of Peace and Dialogue of Civilizations; Director

2001 -2005- 2011              Open Society Institute - Azerbaijan; Expert (projects preparing, book editing), board member

2008 – 2011        Open Society Institute - Azerbaijan; Board member

2002 - till present           The Azerbaijan Section of the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA); President

1993 – 1998        Higher Certificate Committee - Azerbaijan; Expert

1999-2018           Chef-redactor and author of 21-th books of "Library of Gender"

Chef-redactor and author of 10-th books of "The Modern Philosophy"


15 monographs, 200 scientific papers (including 35 ones abroad), 215 publications in periodic press

Last publications:

- Monograph: The Problems of History, Theory and Methodology of the Knowledge, Baku, 2001

- "Azerbaijan Revolution" and "Islam in the Modern Azerbaijan" in the book "Azerbaijan and Russia: Societies and States", Moscow, 2001

- "Demographic Processes and Gender Situation in Azerbaijan" Central Asia and the Caucasus/Journal of Social and Political Studies/ Sweden, 2001, №2(14) и 2(8) (Russian and English)

- "What is the Culture of Peace?" Manual for secondary school. Baku, 2002 (Azeri)

- Brochure "Variants for a Solution of the Karabakh Conflict: Concepts and Reality" Baku-Yerevan, 2002 (with H. Khachatrian; Azeri, Armenian, English, Russia).

- Local Self-Government in Azerbaijan and Georgia. Baku, 2002 (collective monograph)

- Variants for a solution of the Karabakh conflict: concept and reality. - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration. V. 1X, 2003, N 1-2. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin, p.9 - 88 (in the co-authorship)

- Problems of Post-Soviet Development: Politics and Ethics - in mag.: "CaucasUS. Context", issue #2, 2003, Tbilisi, Georgia - pp. 21 - 35

- Der Islam im kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Leben. - Diaspora, Öl und Rosen. Berlin, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2004, pp.233-244

- Introduction in Gender, Baku, 2004 (with R. Mirzazadeh; Azeri)

- Monograph: Modern Socio-Cultural Problems. Baku, 2006

- Monograph: Gender Maps of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2007

- Azerbaijan: Expectations and Realities of the 20 Post-Soviet Years - Two Decades of Development in Post-Soviet States: Successes and Failures. Instututul European, 2014, Chica Voda nr. Pp. 161 - 182.

- Transcending Borders: Federal and Transnational Approaches to Conflict Resolution. Caucasus Edition - Journal of Conflict Transformation: The South Caucasus and Its Neighborhood. From Politics and Economics to Group Rights. Editors: Philip Gamaghelyan, Sevil Huseynova, Maria Karapetyan, Sergey Rumyansev. Istanbul, July, 2016, P. 141- 178 (in the co-authorship).

- Азербайджан в гендерном ракурсе: ХIХ - начало ХХ века. Монография. Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2016. 234 p.

- Ислам в пространстве-времени Азербайджана. М. Ridero, 2018, 260 p. (в соавт. Дм. Фурманом).

Participation in Conferences and Seminars

23-25 July 2001, Armenia            Conference "The Process of the Peace Regulation of the Karabakh Conflict", (Fridrich Ebert Foundation); (report: "Levels of the Karabakh Conflict: from Local to Global Scale")

26 - 27, November 2002, Berlin                                Conference "The Caucasus Region of Conflict - A Pact for Stability with Europe?"; one of speakers

2002-2014           Conferences in USA, Germany, Italy, Russia, Turkey, Georgia.

Participation in Grant Programs

- Center "Meeting of the Religions" (grant of the Embassy of the USA)

- Monitoring of the Karabach Conflict ( grant of the Embassy of the USA)

- The Culture of the Peace - training-seminar (grant of the Embassy of the Germany)

- "What is the Culture of Peace?" Manual for secondary school (UNESCO grant)

- Local Self-Government in Azerbaijan and Georgia (Eurasia Foundation)

- Variants for a Solution of the Karabakh Conflict (grant of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Grants of International Alert, CMI, DAAD...


- Member: of the Armenian-Azerbaijan negotiations process, organized by "Global Community", of the Board International Alert Centre in Azerbaijan, of the South Caucasus civil society dialogue, of the South Caucasus - EC Integration National Committee; Tekali process .


Azeri (Native), Russian (Fluent), English (Good)

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