About us

Our mission

In 1993, the Turan Information Agency established an analytical service to develop analytical solutions for society, state institutions and private companies. Practical studies of the Service covered the geography of issues of geopolitics, the region, the country, including directions - politics, economics, energy, sociology.

With the global expansion of the information space, the growing dynamics of current events and processes at the international and local levels, the Service came to the conclusion thatin 2018 it is necessary to expand its activities by interacting with a circle of experts, and in order to provide timely analytical responses to the challenges faced by certain regions, countries, private structures, communities. This project was called ASTNA.


Develops solutions that can help increase efficiency and optimize the actions of state, public and private institutions in various areas and issues.


Analyzes strategic, medium-term and current processes, events and individual facts;

Prepares reports of analysis results;

Develops recommendations on the results of the analysis;

Offers ready-made solutions.


The implementation of the set goals and objectives is based mainly on a practical approach, which is designed to provide answers to current strategic and tactical issues on the part of the Service's employees and attracted qualified experts.


A high degree of analysis, conclusions and recommendations is achieved through the involvement of specialized experts, discussion of the results of the analysis, recommendations from the expert group and the expert council of the Service.


Geopolitics: the state of centers of power, interstate relations, geopolitical interests.

Region: interests of power centers, regional relations and interests.

Country: public status, the attitude of society-power.

Society: public status, the attitude of society-power.

Economy: economic policy, reality, obstacles, development.

Politics: domestic and foreign policy, civil institutions, media, parties.

Religion: religious politics, external influences and interests, religious tendencies, communities.