On January 23, QGallery in Baku hosted the opening of “Chronicles of Time,” the first solo exhibition by emerging Azerbaijani artist Samirə Allahverdiyeva. Marking a significant milestone in her caree...
In a long-awaited moment for Azerbaijani cinema, local directors unveiled their latest works, bringing a mix of animation, drama, and childhood reveries to the silver screen. The films, Erkən Hisslər...
Events in history are not merely dates or fragments of historical memory; they leave deep marks on cultural memory as well. Artists, in particular, transfer these events into their works, shaped by th...
On January 16, the prestigious Gazelli Art House once again opened its doors for a private viewing of “The Whisper of the Forest – The Magic of Sound”, a large-scale exhibition by Azerbaijani artist...
Each year, on January 13, Lithuania commemorates the Day of Freedom Defenders, honoring the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country’s independence in 1991. This pivotal moment in Lithuanian...
The graduates of the 2nd class of the YARAT Contemporary Art School share their creative imaginations with the audience through an exhibition titled "From Finite to Infinite."
Among Azerbaijan's rich cultural heritage, theater holds a special place. However, regional theaters, an essential part of this heritage, have long remained distant from the capital's audience, with a...
Doctor of Historical Sciences Jamil Hasanli's book "Tabriz -1946: Victory and Tragedy of the National Government" has been published.
Cinema has always been a mirror reflecting life’s complexities, and occasionally, it serves as a silent witness revealing profound truths. On December 25, the Nizami Cinema Center in Baku hosted a rem...
The glamour of the silver screen often conceals the unspoken struggles of actresses, especially as they age. Behind the bright lights and applause lies a reality marked by stereotypes, societal pressu...
In the bustling streets of Baku, where fashion is as dynamic as the city's skyline, a quiet revolution is taking place. Despite Azerbaijan's strides in waste management, the issue of clothing and text...
Despite its rich historical past in Azerbaijan, donation culture faces numerous problems in modern times. Issues such as transparency in reaching the target audience, declining public trust, and the a...
On a crisp December weekend, the Passage1901 venue in the heart of Baku came alive with the buzz of creativity, commerce, and community. The “Bizimkilər” (Ours) Festival, a celebration dedicated to su...
In a vibrant tribute to one of Azerbaijan’s most beloved artistic figures, the Scientific-methodical and Advanced Training Center on culture (MEMIM), in collaboration with the Azerbaijan State Art Gal...
November 25 – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – marks the start of a 16-day campaign of activism, culminating on December 10 – Human Rights Day. This campaign serve...
Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, culture continues to build bridges where politics and war often fail. At the Samad Vurgun People's Library in Kyiv, an extraordinary cultural event celebrated the...