On 25 January, the weather in the Baku will be changeable. At night and in the morning there will be weak precipitation in some places. Wind is north-western. At night +4+6, during the day +7+10.
Humidity is 70-80%.
No precipitation is expected in the country; in some mountainous areas there will be light snow.
Fog in some places. Wind is eastern. In the lowlands at night -1+3, during the day +8+13.
In the mountains at night up to - 8 frost, during the day +2+7.
- Politics
- 24 January 2025 12:40
Weather on Saturday in the capital will be cloudy; wet snow is expected in the morning. Strong north-west wind will blow. At night it will be from +2, during the day +3. Humidity will be 70-75%.
Police investigated the distribution of written prizes for children to participate in online games at Baku's school N210.
A regular bus route Mingechevir-Khojaly-Khankendi-Shusha will be launched from 8 February, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport said on Friday.
As part of its social project competition “Empowering Lives: Women’s Support Program”, Azercell, in collaboration with one of the contest winners, “Balans” Public Association, has successfully implemented a program in Sheki to foster women’s entrepreneurship and employment opportunities.
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