Job Offers from French Media Coming to Independent Journalists

In recent days, independent journalists in Azerbaijan have been receiving "job offers" from foreign media through various networks.

Several French media outlets, primarily individuals presenting themselves as employees of "Le Monde" and "Ouest-France" (although these individuals do work at those media organizations, they are sending fake emails on their behalf to journalists offering jobs), are requesting all contact information from Azerbaijani journalists.

Persons contacting journalists in the name of foreign media have also sent them various links, mobile applications, and programs for signing contracts, and some have even asked for bank account details.

These programs are suspected to be used primarily to obtain phone and computer information.

A few journalists have already received job offers in the name of French media, and only a few have shared this issue on social media.

One journalist even managed to establish contact with the person whose name was used in the French media organization through a fake account that sent the email. This is an employee of Ouest-France, Garance Ameon. However, she confirmed that she had not sent such an email.

So what does this mean? Who is behind this cybercrime? What is the purpose?

Khalid Agaliyev, head of the Media Law Group, spoke to ASTNA about the issue.

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Question: Mr. Agaliyev, in recent days, independent journalists in Azerbaijan have been receiving fake job offers in the name of influential persons working for French media through various networks. What do you think this means?

Answer: I have read that even some well-known journalists have received such offers. Against the backdrop of journalists being under particular pressure in recent years, it can be presumed that the offers, being fake and from well-known media figures, are aimed at some specific purpose. Additionally, the fact that the offers are coming from a country that has cold relations with our country is interesting. Overall, it is difficult to provide clear answers to who is doing this, what the purpose is, and whether it is indeed about job offers. Some possibilities can be considered.

Question:What could be the purpose here?

Answer: Usually, such cases can be fake and aim at obtaining personal information. France has media organizations recognized worldwide. Against the backdrop of cooling relations between our countries, perhaps journalists collaborating with those media have terminated their collaborations, and there is a mass need for new collaborations? Those receiving offers can investigate them and check their authenticity. Especially considering that independent journalism is becoming a very risky field, if related official institutions are not keen on investigating such manifestations, it can be presumed that this serves to control journalism.

Question:Isn't taking such steps to obtain independent journalists' information cybercrime?

Answer: In general, not only journalists but all citizens have the right to personal inviolability. The inviolability of personal data is also a fundamental part of this right. Personal data of individuals, illegal and fake methods of obtaining and collecting such data are criminal offenses. Nowadays, such actions are usually carried out via cyber means, illegally accessing computer systems. In the matter we are discussing, the probability of such events happening is high. Therefore, it is necessary to act prudently, carefully, obtain opinions from relevant specialists, and if there is a real possibility of interference with personal data, appropriate authorities should be contacted.

Question:Shouldn't state bodies fight against cybercrime?

Answer: Azerbaijan's criminal legislation provides for liability for cybercrime. This liability covers cases from the acquisition of personal data to enabling such actions in various spheres. Institutions have been established in various ministries to ensure protection against cybercrime in specific areas. In recent months, we have observed various activities of these institutions in this field, especially cases of holding individuals accountable in the context of protecting public morals. Intervening in potential cyber threats and ensuring the protection of people from such threats forms the basis of these institutions' activities. When there is no initiative from these institutions, individuals who feel the need to be protected can approach them for assistance.

Question:In such cases, how can journalists protect themselves and their rights?

Answer: If we talk about the protection of journalists in a separate context, especially within the framework of their professional activities, it is difficult to say that the laws protecting that section, as well as overall personal life from interventions, are effective. In practice, we have observed such incidents multiple times. Unfortunately, we do not have examples of effective and timely interventions against such cases. Journalists who feel threatened must use legal tools in all cases and attempt all efforts in this direction. Necessary steps must also be taken to protect themselves based on personal capabilities. This includes, first of all, increasing technical knowledge and seeking assistance from on-site specialists in complex situations. If there are violations of rights or interferences with personal data, it is necessary to eliminate the consequences by holding the interveners accountable and taking legal steps to erase the compromised personal data from the public sphere.

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